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The Textures and Characteristics of Carpet Flooring

Carpet Characteristics (texture)

For most homeowners, one of the deciding factors in what type of carpeting they will install in their home is texture. Carpets, no matter the material, come with a lot of different texture choices, so you have to decide what’s most important to you before selecting a carpet. Some of the most common carpet textures are:

  • Soft
  • Warm
  • Cozy feel
  • Sound muffling
  • Durable

Carpet quality

A huge factor in the cost of installing carpet flooring will be the quality of the carpet you select. While some homeowners choose to select a lower quality carpet in order to reduce their material and installation costs, this can actually cost more money in the long run thank to the necessity for frequent replacement. There are three levels of carpet quality that consumers can choose from, which are as follows.

  • High: The most expensive level of carpet quality. Often falls under the category of luxury carpeting. Despite the steep upfront cost, this carpeting is usually extremely durable and saves money in the long run.
  • Medium: The most common carpet quality across the country. Reasonably affordable and with an adequate lifespan, medium quality carpet gives homeowners a good balance between cost and style.
  • Low: Low quality carpeting should be avoided at all costs. Has a low durability threshold, short lifespan, and comes with few style options.

Carpet padding types

Carpet padding is often installed before your carpet, and is meant to aid your carpet’s performance level. Padding is meant to absorb most of the stress that your carpet will suffer, increasing its overall lifespan. Some of the most common padding types include:

  • Rebond: Also known as bonded urethane, rebond padding is the most popular choice when it comes to carpet padding. The great thing about rebond is that it can be had in a variety of densities, making it suitable wide range of homes. Rebond padding cost is most expansive and based on its thickness, starting at $0.75 and can go up to $1.50. Best padding for you will be based on selection of right thickness and manufacturer.
  • Synthetic Fiber: One of the fastest growing products in the carpet padding market, synthetic fiber carpet padding offers a great deal of utility. Synthetic fiber pads are mostly constructed from recycled fibers, and can often be had at a much better price than other padding types. This fiber is water resistant and has good durability. Price ranges from $0.75 to $5.00 per sq.ft.
  • Wool: Wool carpet padding, unlike other types, is used more for comfort than performance. Thicker and softer than other padding, wool padding increases the comfort and luxuriousness of your carpet. Wool padding is rarely used due to its highest price among all padding.
  • Rubber: Extremely dense and long lasting, rubber padding is the choice for homeowners who care about increasing the lifespan of their carpet. Particularly adept at absorbing shock, rubber pads offer increased protection for your valued carpet. Usually rubber padding used for anti-slip effect, or area rug. Price ranges between $3.00-$4.00 per sq.ft.


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