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Advice for Hiring a Carpet Flooring Contractor

Contractor Hiring


  • Do Your Research: Before hiring a contractor, gathering referrals is key in making sure you’re hiring the right person for the job. Reading reviews, consulting with a trusted friend or researching a contractor’s previous work can all help you make an informed hiring decision.
  • Background Check: Unless a contractor is working independently,they most likely are employed by a larger company. Research the background of any contracting company you’re considering to ensure a track record of success.
  • Visit Their Website: The Internet is your biggest resource in hiring a contractor. Visit your contractor’s website, if they have one, to get a good idea of the pricing levels they offer and if they have the expertise need for your carpet installation.
  • Ask for Referrals: Request that your contractor put you in contact with any previous employers so that you can be sure they have satisfied their customers in the past.
  • View Their Past Work: If possible, you should visit previous job sites that your contractor has worked on. Not only will this serve as an effective background check, it will also give you an example of the quality of their work.
  • Shop Around: Getting the best price is a matter of shopping around. Before making a hiring decisions, make sure to compare prices from a variety of contractors in order to sure you're getting a great deal.

Full Description of Limits and Problems

  • Scheduling Conflicts: When hiring a contractor, the size of the company matters. Smaller contracting companies, or an individual independent contractor, often stretch themselves to the limit by taking multiple jobs at once. This can cause your job to take much longer than it normally would, as well as possibly affecting quality. Make sure a timeframe for job completion is part of any contractor agreement you sign.
  • Get Everything in Writing: A mistake that many homeowners make is entering into verbal agreements. Never do this. Everything you and your contractor agree upon should be put into a binding, legal contract. A contractor who avoids putting things in writing is a contractor you shouldn’t trust.
  • Watch Out for Hidden Costs: Unfortunately, there are a lot of unethical contractors who will balloon your costs if you’re not paying attention. Make sure that your contractor gives you a full price list before beginning any work and always question the necessity of additional costs your contractor proposes.
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