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3 No-No’s When It Comes to Your Roof

Your roof is probably the most important as well as the most misunderstood feature of your New York home. Roofs tend to not be given a lot of thought until something has gone wrong, and by that point, people are so stressed that they often make mistakes, causing more damage and cost to themselves than if they had been more informed. Here are some no-no’s when it comes to your roof that will help you avoid the need for roof repair or replacement.

  1. Don’t Try Roof Repair or Replacement Yourself

One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners make when it comes time for roof repair or replacement is to assume that they can do it themselves. We live in a do-it-yourself type of world when it comes to a lot of home improvement projects, but roofs are definitely one of the categories where it’s advisable to hire a professional.

Professionals roofers often have years of expertise that allow them to work on your roof much more quickly, effectively and safely than you would be able to do yourself. They are also much less likely to make a costly mistake than you would be. Trying to undergo a roof repair or replacement yourself is a big no-no when it comes to your roof.

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  1. Don’t Ignore Your Roof

Roof repair or replacement can end up being an expensive undertaking. However, this can usually be avoided if you pay attention to the condition of your roof over time. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t pay enough regard to their roof to notice small problems before they become big problems.

Most small problems with roofs—standing water or debris build up being the primary two—can be dealt with before they become disastrous, costing you large amounts of money. Ignoring your roof and allowing small problems to get out of control is an avoidable no-no.

  1. Don’t Replace Your Roof a Piece at a Time

When it’s a choice between roof repair or replacement, almost every homeowner would prefer repair. Roof replacement is not only very expensive, but it can also be very disruptive and time consuming. Because of the aforementioned factors, a lot of people think that replacing their roof piecemeal is a good solution.

The logic goes that replacing only sections of your roof when a problem crops up costs a good deal less and is not as inconvenient as total replacement. What these people might not realize, however, is that replacing your roof in bits and pieces leaves you with a roof that has lost much of its integrity, is vulnerable to the environment and costs further damage. Make sure to replace your roof all at once since doing it a piece at a time can be a costly no-no.

The Opposite of a No-No

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to roofs, which cause a lot of homeowners to make mistakes, leading to damage and expensive maintenance. Avoiding no-no’s when it comes to your roof goes a long way towards extending your roof’s life and saving you money.

However, if your roof has suffered damage and you need roof repair or replacement services, then you should team-up with ServiceWhale to find the New York roofing services that you need. When you use our request wizard to find roofing professionals, you’ll know that you’re being put in touch with only the highest quality services to get your roof in tip-top shape.


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