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How to Start a Roofing Company

One of the most useful and profitable business ventures is starting a home improvement company. Out of every home improvement area you could specialize in, starting a roofing company is probably your best choice. The roof of a home is constantly exposed to the elements, meaning it needs frequent repair and replacement, which provides you with numerous opportunities for starting a roofing company. However, many people try to start a roofing company without a good plan, causing them to struggle and possibly fail. Keep reading to find out how to start a roofing company, including the most effective way to find customers after you launch your business.

Start Out with a Good Business Plan

When you’re considering starting any type of business, including a roofing company, the first and most crucial step for success is developing an airtight business plan. Your business plan will work like a blueprint—a detailed guide to building your company from the ground up. Things to include in your business plan can encompass your financial plans for the business, an explanation of how you plan to run your business and the expected operating costs and strategies for getting yourself noticed in a crowded marketplace. Developing a business plan will give you a jumping off point to start your roofing company effectively.


Gather Necessary Paperwork

Before your business can start operation, you will need to gather every necessary permit required for roofing companies. The most common permits you will need to acquire include general business permits, sales permits and registration documents to catalogue your business with the state for tax purposes. You will also need to apply for any type of roofing license that your state requires—a process that can vary depending on the state where you’re planning on starting your roofing company. Once you’ve received your necessary paperwork, there is one more step before your roofing company can begin operations.


Get Insurance Coverage

The final thing that you need before you can start offering high quality roofing services to your city is insurance coverage for your company. Insurance is important for a number of reasons, but it is primarily useful as protection for yourself, your employees and, most of all, your customers. Roofing, after all, is a dangerous job and having a comprehensive insurance policy will provide a safety net against potential injuries and accidents that happen through the course of your work. Consult with your insurance agent to find out which is the right policy for your roofing company.

as you know...
ServiceWhale is the only place online where homeowners can get custom quotes on home improvement projects instantly without the need for onsite estimates from contractors.

Start a Roofing Company by Making Yourself Visible

For any new company to be successful, you need to make yourself visible and accessible to potential customers. Unfortunately, because there are so many roofing companies out there, it can be hard to distinguish yourself and attract new business. If you want to start a roofing company, the best way to make yourself available to roofing customers in your city is by registering with ServiceWhale. ServiceWhale works to connect home improvement business with customers searching for their specific service, increasing your visibility and helping customers to find your business. Contact ServiceWhale today to find out how we can help grow your fledgling roofing company.


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