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4 Reasons to Replace Carpet with Hardwood Flooring

Is that old carpeting starting to look stained and worn out? Are you looking to make a change in your living space and give it a spruced up look? A good start would be replacing that old carpeting with hardwood floors. Hardwood is easier to maintain, last longer and wears much more gracefully than carpeting.

Improve Air Quality with Hardwoods

Carpet is great at holding in dust, dirt and pollen. Pet hair and other allergens can also easily get stuck into carpeting. Even with regular vacuuming and cleaning, carpets just cannot approach the same level of clean that you can get from having hardwood floors installed. If allergy or respiratory problems are something that is a concern to you, then replacing that carpeting with hardwood can vastly improve the quality of the air in your home.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

While hardwood might have a higher install cost, the long term costs of owning hardwood are much lower than carpeting. The main reason for this is that well maintained hardwood will last many years beyond the sturdiest carpeting.

Having fewer replacements means that you get to spread the installation costs over a much longer period.

Hardwood maintenance is also much easier to do than carpeting. This means a times saving for the owner. All that is needed to keep hardwood clean is to run a broom over it and occasionally mopping with a damp mop. Carpeting can require expensive vacuum cleaners, carpet steamers and even periodic shampooing to keep it clean.

More Elegant Look

Hardwood also gives your Philadelphia home a particular character and elegance that carpeting just can’t get across. Well-chosen hardwood can finish a room in a way that carpeting will never be able to do. The nature of wood means that it has its own uniqueness and character that give it a non-uniform feel. Carpeting is the same no matter where you look.

Choosing to go with hardwood means adding a specific feel to your home that will be unique to it alone. This can add significant value to your home in the long term.

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Wood Harbors less Bacteria

Carpeting has layers. First there are the carpet fibers themselves. Beneath that is the mat that holds all the fibers together. Finally, there is a layer of padding that goes underneath all of that. Spills that make their way down to the padding can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Hardwood avoids all that by not giving the bacteria anywhere to grow. As long as spills are cleaned up quickly and a hardwood save cleaner is used, pathogens won’t be a problem. This means your home ends up smelling and feeling fresher than if you have carpet installed.

Are you looking to have your carpeting replaced with hardwood flooring? Click here to get free custom quotes from reputable contractors in the Philadelphia area who can install your hardwood flooring for you. You’ll receive upfront pricing without having to invite a contractor to your home!


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