Category Archive For "Heating & Cooling"
What are the Different Types of Heating Systems?
Unlike air conditioning systems, which are largely the same device in different arrangements, the methods of creating and delivering heat are incredibly diverse. This guide will attempt to cover the most common devices and heating systems used in modern homes. Space Heating The simplest form of heating system comes from a single source that radiates …
How Often Should the Air Ducts be Cleaned?
Many studies and articles on the Internet have claimed that there is no appreciable benefit to cleaning air ducts. This is untrue, as many have discovered and as our professionals suggest. Cleaning your air ducts will lead to healthier conditions in your house and a decrease in allergens overall. Even the EPA has recommendations for …
How to Know When Your Air Conditioning Needs Maintenance
Keeping cool in the summer is a luxury to some but can be critical to others that have issues dealing with the heat. Being able to spot when your air conditioner is asking you for help can cut down the time that you have to spend without it. You also end up wasting less money …
The Most Efficient HVAC Systems & How They Can Save You Thousands
When seeking out an efficient HVAC system installation or replacement, there are several factors to take note of, including the size of your home and the climate you live in. With these criteria in mind, here are the most efficient options for particular heating or cooling situations: Natural Gas Furnaces While electric furnaces typically have …
How Does an Air Conditioner Work?
Air conditioners are so convenient that they may seem like magic, but the science behind how they work contains some fairly basic principles. At their core, air conditioner systems are made up of five general components: Refrigerant — Transfers heat from one place to another Compressor — Forces gas refrigerant into condenser unit at high …
Top 5 Thermostats of 2015
Thermostats have certainly come a long way. After years of stagnation where the only major innovation was from analog to digital control interfaces, thermostats are now every bit as sophisticated as other computerized systems. In fact, the sheer complexity of the current product market may be overwhelming to the average consumer. To help narrow down …
What Do the Different Energy Ratings for Heating and Cooling Systems Mean?
Energy ratings may seem complex, but they are often just trying to measure different ratios of the same general figures. along with how they relate to your energy consumption: BTUs — British Thermal Units Energy use is measured by this standard unit. The higher the BTUs, the more heat is generated. You can determine the …
How Do You Know if Your Air Conditioning Needs More Refrigerant?
There are many things that can go wrong with AC systems over time, one of which is that they simply stop circulating cool air. A common cause of this issue is a low or improper amount of refrigerant. Identifying the problem takes a professional HVAC contractor using special tools, but there are ways for a …
How to Maintain Your Heating and Cooling System
One of the most important appliances in your home is the heating and cooling system. Furnace replacement and AC system replacement can be costly, so what steps do you need to do in order to make sure that your system is not replaced prematurely? Here are some suggestions on the best way to keep your …
The History of Heating and Cooling
The history of heating and cooling is really the history of air conditioning. From the earliest days in history, humankind learned to harness and direct fire. With the discovery that heat rose, people learned to use fireplaces, radiant heat and directed air to heat progressively larger spaces. Cooling, however, took much longer to work out. …