Category Archive For "Questions"
How to Clean Water Heater Burners
How to Clean Water Heater Burners How to clean a water heater is a question many people often ask and one that often leads to someone having to throw out an old unit in order to get to the answer. If you’re in this situation, don’t worry, because we’ve all been there before. What usually …
How High Does a Gas Water Heater Have to Be Off the Floor?
How High Does a Gas Water Heater Have to Be Off the Floor? There are many different ways to heat your home, and if you are like many people today, you have a water heater in your home that can be a big problem. Many homeowners don’t realize how dangerous this appliance can be and …
radiator – Why My Water Heater Makes Noise
radiator – Why My Water Heater Makes Noise The radiator in my home makes a lot of noise, which is one of the main reasons why I bought it. The problem was that I couldn’t hear it very well when the heat was on, and it kept filling up with condensation which would drip off …
What Makes My Water Heater Pop?
What Makes My Water Heater Pop? Why does my water heater pop? If you’re like most people, you might be asking yourself this question quite often. When you hear the water coming to a stop or hear strange sounds or feel an uncomfortable chill in the room, it’s often an indication that your heater is …
How To Get A Striped Hot Water Heater Element Out
How To Get A Striped Hot Water Heater Element Out This article will tell you how to get a stripped hot water heater element out. It may not sound very complicated, but in actual fact it is not as difficult as you think. Just follow the advice in this article and you should be fine.
How to Build a Water Heater – Different Ways of Putting Them in Your Home
How to Build a Water Heater – Different Ways of Putting Them in Your Home When most people think about how to build a water heater, they envision the large and intimidating construction job that comes with building a hot water tank. While this is certainly the most difficult type of installation for any do-it-yourselfer, …
How to Light a Electric Hot Water Heater – Things You Should Know Before You Light Them Yourself?
How to Light a Electric Hot Water Heater – Things You Should Know Before You Light Them Yourself? How to light an electric hot water heater is a question that most home owners will be asking at one time or another. The main reason behind this is the rising cost of heating the home using …
What Does an Anode Do in a Hot Water Heater?
What Does an Anode Do in a Hot Water Heater? What does an anode do in a hot water heater? The anode is the part of the hot water heater that comes in contact with the water as it is heated. The term ‘anode’ actually refers to the part of the hot water heater referred …
How Long Does It Take A Water Heater To Fill Up?
How Long Does It Take A Water Heater To Fill Up? How long does it take a water heater to fill up? It really depends on how long it takes to fill up the tank with hot water, how big your tank is and how much water you are using. A large home with many …
How Long Does it Take For a 40 Gallon Water Heater to Heat Up?
How Long Does it Take For a 40 Gallon Water Heater to Heat Up? If you are like me and you are asking yourself, how long does it take for a 40 gallon water heater to heat up? I would imagine that you are going to have the same question as I had when I …