Category Archive For "Questions"
How Long Does it Take a Hot Water Heater to Refill?
How Long Does it Take a Hot Water Heater to Refill? How long does it take a hot water heater to refill? This is something that you need to be aware of if you are having issues with your hot water heater. The fact of the matter is that it doesn’t take as long as …
What Size Drain Pan For Water Heater?
What Size Drain Pan For Water Heater? If you’re like most people, the question of what size drain pan for water heater that you need is likely one that you see asked every day. It may be a constant battle between wanting to conserve energy and keeping your water heating system working or between wanting …
How Long Does it Take For Hot Water Heater to Drain?
How Long Does it Take For Hot Water Heater to Drain? How long does it take for a hot water heater to drain? First of all, you should understand that a hot water heater is very robust device and can survive for several years. Even though we would like to think that our hot water …
How to Reset Thermal Switch on Water Heater
How to Reset Thermal Switch on Water Heater If you need to know how to reset thermal switch on the water heater, then this article will help you. There are several reasons that you may want to reset it, which is why this article will discuss its installation and troubleshooting. When you are looking for …
Water Heater Burnt to Dimmer – What to Do to Avoid a Huge Amount of Damage
Water Heater Burnt to Dimmer – What to Do to Avoid a Huge Amount of Damage If you have a water heater bursting, there are some things that you can do to avoid a large amount of damage. If you have never had a water heater burst before, it is important that you take the …
How to Tell If Water Heater Is Bad – Heater Safety and Thermostat Repairs
How to Tell If Water Heater Is Bad – Heater Safety and Thermostat Repairs When our water heater stops working properly, we are often quite surprised at the malfunctions that occur. Thermostats have been around for many years and in most cases we have no idea why they fail, but there are some tell tale …
Why is My Water Heater Leaking From the Pressure Relief Valve?
Why is My Water Heater Leaking From the Pressure Relief Valve? Many home owners do not understand why is my water heater leaking from the pressure relief valve. It can be very dangerous if you are not aware of what to look for or where the problem may lie. If you want to find out …
How to Break a Water Heater and Keep It From Leaking Again
How to Break a Water Heater and Keep It From Leaking Again If you own a water heater and are wondering how to break a water heater, then chances are you have a faulty unit installed. This article will explain how to make the most out of your heater and keep it in good working …
How to Install a Tankless Gas Hot Water Heater
How to Install a Tankless Gas Hot Water Heater There is more than one type of how to install a tankless gas hot water heater, because this type of heating system has different ways of being installed. It may have a “traditional” installation, or it could have some other innovative methods, but the basic concept …
How to Convert Gas Water Heater to Electric
How to Convert Gas Water Heater to Electric How to convert gas water heater to electric? It may sound difficult, but it’s not impossible. In fact, there are some excellent programs available that can show you step-by-step what needs to be done to convert your old unit over to an electric model. These programs have …