Category Archive For "Questions"
How To Replace Pressure Valve On Water Heater
How To Replace Pressure Valve On Water Heater If you are like many people and your water heater is starting to give problems, whether it is a boiler or hot water heater the chances are that you may need to know how to replace the pressure valve on water heater. This is a common component …
How To Install Natural Gas Water Heaters
How To Install Natural Gas Water Heaters If you are searching for how to install natural gas water heaters, then this article is for you. In this short article I will show you how to install a natural gas water heater using the instructions that came with your natural gas tank. Installing a gas water …
What Size Hot Water Heater Should I Buy?
What Size Hot Water Heater Should I Buy? With all the options out there for home owners today, it can be confusing to know what size hot water heater to buy. When you do your research on the internet and visit a few websites that sell these items, you will likely get an idea of …
Tips to Help You Learn How to Vent a Gas Water Heater Without a Chimney
Tips to Help You Learn How to Vent a Gas Water Heater Without a Chimney Learning how to vent a gas water heater without a chimney is a task that many homeowners will have to undertake at some point in their life. Unfortunately, the task can be intimidating, but in most cases it is not …
How To Replace A Hot Water Heater Thermostat
How To Replace A Hot Water Heater Thermostat In order for you to know how to replace a hot water heater thermostat, you first need to understand how the heater works. There is a closed heating exchanger in the heater that contains a mixture of gas and liquid. The liquid goes into the exchanger and …
How To Repair A Tankless Water Heater – Here’s What You Need To Know!
How To Repair A Tankless Water Heater – Here’s What You Need To Know! How to repair a tankless water heater is a question asked by many, if not most people, who own a tankless water heater. There are quite a few problems with these water heaters, and one of the more common ones is …
Why Does My Water Heater Gurgle?
Why Does My Water Heater Gurgle? My water heater is in need of a repair due to some serious gurgling that has been going on for the past few months. Since I am not one hundred percent sure what the problem is or how I should go about fixing it, I am hoping that someone …
How Long Will Hot Water Heater Stay Hot Without Power?
How Long Will Hot Water Heater Stay Hot Without Power? A hot water heater takes up some space and if you have a small home, the expense of the fuel to operate this equipment can be costly. Since your home is an investment, you would want to make sure that the product lasts for many …
How to Make a Homemade Solar Water Heater
How to Make a Homemade Solar Water Heater It is no secret that solar heating panels are gathering momentum as a fantastic method for home heating. Many people today are seeing how much money it saves them each month on their utility bills, and they are starting to see the importance of using this alternative …
How Long Does a Lochinvar Water Heater Last?
How Long Does a Lochinvar Water Heater Last? You may be asking yourself, how long does a Lochinvar water heater last? The answer is as long as it is used by you and your family. This is because if you do not use it often it can overheat, which will mean that you will have …