Category Archive For "Questions"
How to Install an Electric Tankless Hot Water Heater
How to Install an Electric Tankless Hot Water Heater Installing a new hot water tankless heater is a big job. And if you have never done any kind of installation work on a heating system before, it may seem like a big job at first. But when you realize that it can be easy to …
What is the Best Electric Tankless Hot Water Heater?
What is the Best Electric Tankless Hot Water Heater? So, what is the best electric tankless hot water heater? If you are new to this whole thing, you have a lot of homework to do. First, you need to find out more about the different types of heaters that are available, and then you need …
Who Do I Call To Fix My Water Heater?
Who Do I Call To Fix My Water Heater? If your heater has stopped working for no apparent reason, the first thing you should do is call a water heater repair professional. Although this can be a risky and expensive choice, the damage water heaters can cause in homes far outweighs the cost of a …
Where to Buy a Thermocouple For Water Heater Repair
Where to Buy a Thermocouple For Water Heater Repair If you are looking for information on where to buy a thermocouple for water heater repairs, then the first thing that you should do is to contact your local repair company and inquire about their products. These companies can supply you with the latest technology in …
What is a Direct Vent Gas Water Heater?
What is a Direct Vent Gas Water Heater? A direct vent gas water heater is one that allows the heated water to vent directly outside of the house and through a common vent that can be located anywhere in your home. This saves space because it does not have to go through a system of …
What Size Expansion Tank For Hot Water Heater Should I Get?
What Size Expansion Tank For Hot Water Heater Should I Get? One of the most important things to know about your hot water heater is what size tank it should have. You should get a tank that has adequate capacity to supply your entire home’s demand. The average home should have a minimum of a …
What Is A Thermocouple On A Hot Water Heater?
What Is A Thermocouple On A Hot Water Heater? You might be asking yourself what is a thermocouple on a hot water heater. Before you try to answer this question you will need to be sure that you know how a thermocouple works and what it is used for. Thermocouples are a type of electrical …
How Much Do Contractors Charge For a Heating and Air System Check?
How Much Do Contractors Charge For a Heating and Air System Check? When you are wondering how much do contractors charge for a heating and air system check, there are several things that you need to take into consideration. If you are having problems with your HVAC system, it might be time to have a …
How To Check Elements In Hot Water Heater
How To Check Elements In Hot Water Heater Hot water heater is a very important device, and so you have to be very careful while dealing with its various components. Although all the elements of the heater can be replaced, it may require a professional service. The first thing that should be done is to …
How Many Heating and Air Contractors Does a Residence Have?
How Many Heating and Air Contractors Does a Residence Have? It might be time to start asking the question: how many heating and air contractors does a residence have? The simple answer is too many, but there is a certain logic to it. For instance, if the residence where you live has at least one …