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How To Improve Air Quality In Your Home

For people with respiratory problems, from allergies to asthma or COPD, indoor air quality issues can be of major concern. If the air in a building is not clean and free of contaminants or free-floating particulates, these conditions can become more severe and medical problems may even result.

HVAC installations use filters that are designed to clean the air of these particles but no system is perfect. Additional equipment options may need to be purchased in order to improve the air quality for people with breathing issues.

Dirty Air Handlers

As materials enter and pass through your system’s air filter, the handler can become dirty. As dirt and moisture build, mold and bacteria can grow in the system and be projected into the house on the airstream. The best way to handle this is to have annual maintenance done on your system to keep everything clean and tidy.

In addition, you should check your vents every so often and clean them of dust, dirt and any visible signs of mold. Using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter is recommended.

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Air Cleaners

It is possible to purchase an additional air cleaner which can help to remove smaller particles that are able to pass through your air filter. Some of these even have germicidal capabilities that can kill viruses and bacteria.

For those who are prone to illness during the cold and flu season, this can be very helpful. The same professionals that install your HVAC system can also install an air cleaner.

Odors in the Home

Just because you have odors in your house, this does not necessarily mean that you have serious air quality issues. However, they are also not something you should take lightly. Materials that cause odors are gaseous and as such are not prone to being caught by your normal air filtration system. While most odors are largely harmless, they can be an indicator of toxic substances in the air.

Many products you use in your household, from hair spray to cleaning products, can release toxic chemicals into the air. These chemicals will often easily pass through your filters and remain in the building. They can cause medical effects of varying severity.

Balancing Ventilation

The best way to handle odors is to use a balanced ventilation system in your home. This allows the removal of contaminated air in the home, and replaces it with fresh air drawn from outside. While modern homes are constructed with a high degree of efficiency, the tight seals can intensify the production of indoor pollutants, which cannot escape through drafts.

Ventilation will remove some of the pollutants in the air, and dilute the amount of those remaining with cleaner, fresh air. If you are concerned about the quality of air in your home, it is generally a good idea to have your system looked at by a qualified HVAC technician.


If your system needs maintenance click here to get free custom quotes from reputable HVAC contractors. You’ll receive upfront pricing without having to invite a contractor to your home or even enter your contact information!


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