4 Elements That Go into Hardwood Floor Pricing
Hardwood flooring is growing very popular, and for good reason. It looks classy, holds up against abuse and is clean and natural. It exudes style and elegance. It can, however, be expensive to install, and before you pull the trigger on installing your NYC hardwood floor, you’ll want to know what goes into the cost. Here’s a look at several elements that go into New York City hardwood floor pricing, and why you should talk to a ServiceWhale contractor.
Hardwood Floor Pricing
When your ServiceWhale contractor comes into your New York City home to consult on installing new flooring, there are a number of elements that will come into play regarding the hardwood floor pricing estimate you receive. These include the type of flooring you are going to install, the location of your home, the size of the room and the labor costs involved.
Type of Flooring
The type of flooring is one of the biggest factors in determining the cost of your NYC hardwood floor. Whether you are installing all new wood, restoring an old floor or using recycled wood to replace your current floor all make a difference. In addition, the type of wood you choose to lay down will affect the cost. The cheapest kinds of flooring are a couple bucks a square foot, where the most expensive can exceed $40 a square foot. This is why it’s a good idea to discuss options with your ServiceWhale contractor.
Location of the Home
Some regions of New York are more expensive than others. This is a fact of life. The location of your home, the local permits and other factors based on where you live will come into play. Your qualified contractor will break down the costs for you.
The Size of the Room
The size of your room, obviously, will have an effect on the overall cost of installing the new floor or restoring the original. Since hardwood flooring is priced by the type and square footage, the larger the room, the more you’re going to spend.
Labor Costs
After the type of flooring you choose, labor costs will be the next largest factor that comes into play in pricing your NYC hardwood floor. The larger the room, the longer it will take to install. Different kinds of wood, also, may require more care and time or special tools and skills to lay down properly.
Labor costs are usually figured by the hour and as with everything else, your ServiceWhale contractor will sit down with you and go over all of the options you have and what the cost breakdown, including labor, will be for each.
If you would like to move on getting beautiful hardwood flooring installed or restored in your home, we are ready to help. Review the hardwood flooring services offered by ServiceWhale, and get in touch with us for more information or to schedule a consultation appointment today!
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