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4 Things to Know about Hot Water Floor Heating

The dreaded long walk from the bedroom across soft carpet to freezing tile or hardwood in the morning just for coffee makes even the soundest sleeper toss and turn just a little bit. There are better ways than having to buy slippers, wear uncomfortable socks or makeshift stepping stones out of the throw pillows found on your couch. Hot water floor heating, also known as Hydronic Heating (alternately referred to as HH), sends heated liquid underneath your floor to heat your home and help lower heating costs. This is just one of the many things that ServiceWhale can do for your home, and we know that many homeowners are new to HH, so here are a five things to know when looking into HH for your home.


How does Hydronic Heating work?

Through simple heating methods, HH helps to add comfort to your home, while reducing energy costs. Conduction, convection and radiation are the three ways that heat is transferred. HH uses conduction to transfer the heat from the liquid found in the tubes to the rest of your home. Through conduction, the water is heated and travels through the concrete tile or any other flooring found through the house. Through that the floors begin to give off heat that was transferred to the heated water in the floor.


What are the benefits of Hydronic Heating?

The added benefits to HH take no time at all to see. Adding the heat directly to the floor and allowing it to radiate the heat substantially saves money on energy costs. Heat traveling through air is not very reliable, so a lot of the energy used to attempt to spread the heat through the house is actually being wasted and isn’t being felt.


How to install Hydronic Heating?

If you’re going through the process of building your home, it would be easiest to allow the builders to go ahead and install the HH tubing directly in or underneath the contract. If you already live in your home and want it added, all is not lost. By contacting ServiceWhale and obtaining a custom quote, ServiceWhale quickly and efficiently can make it out to your property and install HH directly beneath your floors making it a safe and worry free process.


Is Hydronic Heating more Efficient than Gas Heating?

That question is a straight ahead yes. While traditional heating through gas heats the house faster, the efficiency of HH is second to none. There is no heat loss through Hydronic Heating as it is directly travels through the floor and then throughout your house. It’s safer as well, since there is no need for an air filter. Through the air allergens can be deposited in the house; that isn’t a factor when comparing to Hydronic Heating.

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Making the Switch

Making the switch will take more than a day just because the construction has to happen but, thanks to ServiceWhale, it can happen quickly and efficiently. Through ServiceWhale, there is no need to worry about someone coming out to your house charging you an arm and a leg just for a quote, then the other half of your body for the work itself. ServiceWhale will guarantee a free quote and a low price.


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