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5 Ways to Avoid a Costly Plumbing Leak in the Winter

Wintertime is now in full swing in New York, which means that the cold weather is here to stay awhile. The harsh weather can be tough on your home, putting the different systems of your house through the ringer. If you’re concerned about a leak occurring this blustery season, here are five ways you and your New York plumber can avoid a costly disaster.

  1. Keep the Pipes from Freezing

There are a number of ways you can protect your pipes from suffering through below-freezing temps. Doing so is important because this will keep the water inside of your pipes from freezing and expanding, which would ultimately cause your pipes to burst if they did freeze. You can wrap each of your uninsulated pipes with foam, preferably foam tubes specifically made and cut for piping. These tubes can be secured with duct tape and might be enough to hold you throughout the winter.


  1. Drain the Water Heater

If you live in an area of New York where the water is harder, that means there is more sediment that can build up in the tank of your water heater. This can cause rust to form in your water, which is what you shower, drink, clean and cook with. Draining this appliance can reduce this sediment and prevent damage in your plumbing systems. If you’re concerned about the condition of your water heater, maybe it is time to find a contractor from ServiceWhale who can replace the system for you.


  1. Have Your New York Plumber Fix Leaks

It’s not too late to have any leaks in your home fixed to prepare for bad weather, as the cold isn’t going to let up any time soon. If you have leaky sinks or puddles forming anywhere in the home, it could indicate a larger, underlying issue. Your ServiceWhale contractor will be able to detect the source of the concern and appropriately fix the damaged area. By addressing these issues early on, you can rest assured knowing that they won’t grow into larger, costlier leaks.


  1. Pack Up the Outdoor Hose

Securing the gardening hose can prevent water from freezing and damaging the connecting pipes to your outdoor space. You should also drain and close any shut-off valves on the outside of your home, as remaining water in these lines can freeze and cause damage as well. When the weather starts to warm back up, you can open these features, reconnect the gardening hose and pick up where you left off in the fall.


  1. Check the Sump Pump

More commonly found in the basement of the home, your sump pump is the device that directs used water out of your home. Typically, this pump sits in a pit and can freeze in extremely cold temperatures. In order to avoid the flow of water out of your home from stopping, you should have this space inspected by a professional New York plumber. They will ensure that this device will work as it should, which can prevent your basement from flooding and causing massive amounts of damage.


Do you need to hire a New York plumber this winter? When you use ServiceWhale, you can get free and custom plumbing quotes in an instant. Stop by today, and see for yourself!


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