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5 Ways to Save on Painting Your Home

There are few home improvement projects that can dramatically change the look of your home for as low of a price as a fresh paint job. A simple coat or two of paint can cover up blemishes, make walls look sparkling clean and protect the surface from dirt, rot or pathogens.

The only problem is that the costs of painting can be hard to predict. Paint prices can range anywhere from a few dollars a gallon to upwards of $100 a gallon for the more extravagant stuff. To help you control your costs and make your painting project as economical as possible, here are five tips to keep in mind:

  1. Hunt for Deals on Paint

Manufacturers and retailers often have paint sales that can fetch you prices far below typical market value. Check brand postings on social media to see if they are running a promotion anytime soon. Likewise, hardware supply stores in the Greater Philadelphia Area often run clearances or special sales to help thin their stock of paint, particularly in the weeks leading up to the Fourth of July or Memorial Day.

You can also find discounted paints that were mixed incorrectly or that a buyer had changed his or her mind about after the product was mixed. These paints can be bought for as little as $5 to $10 a gallon. Buying in bulk is another excellent way to save. You can often purchase five gallon buckets that cost less than the price of four separate one gallon buckets.

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Finally, for those that are not too particular about the color, recycled paints are the best bargain, since most of these buckets are 100 percent free. Paint usually has a long shelf life, so find some similar shades you like at your local recycling center and mix them together to create a thrifty blend for your walls.


  1. Invest in Quality Paint

Just because you are buying paint on discount or recycling does not mean that any paint should do. Look for reviews on paint products from outlets like Consumer Reports so that you know the paint you buy will be easy to apply, apply consistently so that fewer coats are needed, protect your surfaces adequately and last long enough to be worth your investment. Remember that applying one bucket of $45 a gallon paint that lasts ten years is cheaper than applying three buckets of runny $15 paint that will last only half as long.

Also consider the quality of the primer you use. Paint primer helps protect the underlying surfaces while preventing bleeding or fading that requires multiple coats.


  1. Paint Like a Pro

Professional painters use several techniques to ensure that they waste less paint and that their jobs will turn out consistent and attractive-looking. Using these methods also prevents issues like drips, patches or “orange skin” textures that often require multiple passes to fix, wasting even more paint.

One such tactic is to use broad strokes that ensure even coverage. Smaller strokes with a roller or a brush often result in drips or inconsistent coverage.

Another method is to leave plenty of paint on the brush or roller at all times. Amateurs often try to “squeeze” all the paint out by rolling or brushing hard. Applying thicker coats with a light touch and a saturated painting tool yields better results.


  1. Save Paint by Covering Your Brushes

Rinsing out your brushes at the end of the work day may seem logical, but it is actually a huge waste of paint and water if the job is not over yet. You can wrap your rollers and brushes with plastic grocery bags and shut them tight using rubber bands or twine to keep the paint from drying while you wait to finish the job. Store the tools in a cool, dark place for less than 36 hours and you are more likely than not to have plenty of wet paint to keep on using.


  1. Find a Professional Who Can Fit in Your Budget

Sometimes you have the means to do a paint job yourself, but not necessarily the right reasons to take on the job. Painting can take quite a bit of labor, and material costs for brushes, rollers, pans and drop cloths add up quickly. On top of that, you are likely to waste far more paint than a pro since you are still getting used to the process.

Pros can get the job done quickly and properly. They know exactly how much paint they will need, and they will not waste a single drop if they can help it. They also have ways to buy paint at wholesale prices for many products, and they can re-use paint at another job to spare you the problem of overbuying and having wasted paint.

ServiceWhale can help you search for a local painting contractor in Philadelphia to accomplish any job with a level of skill and a job price that fits in your budget. You can compare contractor bids in the area without having to go through an onsite estimate first. Click here to begin, and you can have your home painted quicker and cheaper than you could have imagined.



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