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Signs Your Philadelphia Row House Needs a Fresh Coat of Paint

House painting in the spring is almost a time-honored tradition, albeit one that most homeowners dread. It can be hard to know if the time is right to give your house a fresh coat of paint, and naturally, nobody wants to face the time, expense and hassle until they have to. Waiting too long, however, can result in far greater expenses. That’s why it’s important to look for these telltale signs your Philadelphia row house needs a fresh coat of paint from a qualified ServiceWhale contractor.

Why Paint Your PA House

Paint serves a much greater purpose than simply looking great on the walls of your Philadelphia home. Paint is vital in protecting your home from the elements and helping to provide a layer of insulation to help regulate the temperature, keeping cool in the summer and warm in the winter. It also protects against moisture that can cause the wood to rot, concrete to crumble and mold to take hold.

Cracks or Peeling

If you notice that the paint on or in your house is developing cracks or is starting to peel, that’s a definite sign you need to paint your walls. In fact, if you’ve waited this long, you really should not wait a moment longer. When the paint starts to crack and peel, it has already gone bad and is no longer serving its protective function.

Chalky Texture

Have you noticed lately that when you touch the walls of your home, they feel chalky or leave a powdery residue on your fingers? If so, this means that the paint is beginning to deteriorate and break down, which happens over time. Before it starts to decay entirely, you should call a ServiceWhale contractor to come in and give you a fresh coat of paint.

Fading Color

Exposure to light, heat and the elements will cause the color of your paint to dull and dim over time. If the shade seems less vibrant or bright than it once was, this is a sign that the paint in your Philadelphia home is starting to wear and should be freshened up. Fading color is often the first hint that the paint is starting to wear out.


Paint is only designed to last for so long before it needs to be re-done. A typical coat of paint will last ten to twenty years. If it’s been more than a decade since your Philadelphia home has been re-painted, it might be a good idea to bring in a ServiceWhale contractor to check things out and give you an estimate on a refresh of your home’s paint job.

Do you think it might be time for a new coat of paint on your Philadelphia row house? Have you noticed any of the signs above, or do you just want a change? If so, check out how easy it can be to get a ServiceWhale contractor to handle your needs today.


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