HVAC Maintenance Checklist
We’re now into the dark days of winter, and spring and summer are right around the corner. It is these times when losing your furnace is about the worst thing that can happen. When the summer rolls around, nobody wants to be without AC. The good news is, keeping your system in good repair is a factor of performing routine maintenance. Follow this handy PA HVAC maintenance checklist to make sure that your heating and cooling system gets you through the winter and summer comfortably.
PA HVAC Maintenance
The major parts of your PA HVAC maintenance should be performed by a qualified professional such as those you hire through ServiceWhale. However, there are a number of steps you can take yourself to help your system truck along between those professional maintenance appointments. Keeping a checklist helps you stay on top of what you need to do.
Change the Filter
Changing the filter is the easiest and most important thing you can do on your own to make sure that your system keeps running efficient and clean. In most cases, it’s a factor of simply pulling out the old filter and sliding a new one in. Filters can be had for just a few bucks at your local Pennsylvania home store. Just make sure you’re not putting it in backwards—there are arrows right on the filter to tell you how it goes in.
Visual Check
Use your eyes! Take some time to look over the system for any signs that it might need to have a professional check it out. If you’re seeing frost or ice on the pipes, leaking water, dirty condenser coils or even dirt inside the furnace, get in touch with your PA ServiceWhale technician to have your furnace or air conditioner checked out.
Thermostat and Efficiency
Just a couple degrees of difference on your thermostat can make all the difference. You probably won’t notice the difference between 68 and 70 degrees, but your furnace and air conditioning unit will! A mere one or two degrees will make a significant difference in how hard your system has to work, and the wear and tear it suffers as a result.
Regular Appointments
It is absolutely imperative to have your system checked out by a qualified professional like those you hire through ServiceWhale. You should make an appointment with your HVAC technician at least once a year to have your system cleaned, inspected and adjusted. You’d be amazed at how long a well-maintained system can last—even far beyond its normal life expectancy.
If you would like to get going on a solid, regular schedule of maintenance for your Pennsylvania heating and cooling systems, the professionals at ServiceWhale are ready to help. We pride ourselves on a simple, efficient process that won’t break the bank. Give us a call for more information or to schedule an appointment today!
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