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The Importance of Changing Your Filters

When many homeowners hear the phrase “furnace maintenance,” they blanch at the idea of messing with something so complex that keeps their house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The truth is, if you want to make your HVAC professional’s job easier (and save yourself money), there are basic maintenance tasks you can do to keep your furnace running strong. Among these is changing your filter regularly. Learn these reasons why changing furnace filters is a vital part of your New York home maintenance and where you can get the best HVAC service.

Changing Furnace Filters Keeps Energy Costs Low

Changing furnace filters every few months can lower your utility bills. A clogged filter in your furnace causes the system to have to work harder and use more energy. This in turn runs up your electric and other utility bills. You can save up to 15% on those bills just by swapping out the filter.

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On average, it takes homeowners up to 30 hours just to get 3 different quotes on a home improvement project. On ServiceWhale, it takes about 2 minutes.

Longer Furnace Life

Another effect of keeping your New York furnace efficient is that it extends the unit’s life. The harder it works, the more strain is on the furnace. Dirt accumulates in the works, which can cause the motor to stress. Failure to change filters in older units can even result in complete furnace breakdown.

Healthy Air

Changing your filter is part and parcel of keeping the air in your house clean and breathable. That’s the job of the air filter, after all—to get dirt and dust particles out of the air and make sure that what’s blowing out of the vents is clean!

Keeping the System Clean

All of this put together keeps your overall system clean and running smooth. When dirt clogs up in the filter, it eventually backs up into the rest of the works and clogs up the entire heating and cooling system in your home. This results in extra service calls to your ServiceWhale technician, costly repairs and parts that you may not have the budget to cover right now.

Peace of Mind

In the end, all of the prior four reasons together add up to the fifth: your peace of mind. Changing your furnace filter is an inexpensive step you can take to keep your system running smooth and strong for a long time—even beyond its normal life expectancy.

Best of all, replacing it is so easy that anyone can do it! The process in most cases is quite literally one of sliding the old filter out and sliding a new one in. The cost for a filter should be under $20, and it takes less than a minute to swap out. For something so easy, why wouldn’t you take the step?

When the time comes for your annual furnace checkup, why not turn to the professionals available through ServiceWhale? Our process for finding the ideal technician for your system is amazingly fast and easy. Check out how we remove the stress from the process, then give us a call to get started today!


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