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How Your HVAC System Can Help with Allergies

With the weather starting to warm up and flowers on the verge of blooming, it means that spring is almost here. What it also means, however, is that it is also almost the start of allergy season. Red eyes, a runny nose and sneezing are all in the cards as allergens start to make their way back into the air. People who suffer from allergies often try to make their homes a sanctuary from allergy symptoms, but that’s easier said than done. When you’re looking for relief from allergy season and its symptoms in your Pennsylvania home, an HVAC system can help.

Air Circulation

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding the relationship between HVAC systems and allergies is that HVAC systems can make allergies worse. This myth exists primarily because an HVAC system works by moving outside air to the inside and vice versa, which people believe brings allergens into a home. Fortunately, this myth is far from true. An HVAC system actually keeps air circulating, allowing it to pass through filtration multiple times and reducing the amount of allergens in the air. Instead of making allergies worse, the basic function of an HVAC system can help with allergies.

Help with Allergies through Advanced Filtration

Speaking of filtration, one of the great things about an HVAC system is that it can be equipped with more advanced filtration systems than come standard, a feature that comes in handy during allergy season when the air is filled with pollen and other triggers. HEPA systems are particularly effective at removing allergen particles from the air, making it much less likely that you will have to suffer throughout allergy season without any sort of relief.

It is also very important to make sure that you are regularly cleaning or changing your HVAC system’s filters throughout the year. When dirt and dust build up on a filter it reduces air flow, making it harder for your system to remove allergens from the air.

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Low Humidity, No Mold

One of the biggest advantages in having an HVAC system is its capability to control the humidity levels in your home. This is very important because increased humidity can give rise to substances like mold, which is one of the biggest allergens that there is. Employing an HVAC system can keep the humidity in your home at proper levels, preventing mold from ever taking a foothold and making sure you don’t suffer from any ill effects.

Install an HVAC System, Save on Tissues

For people that suffer from seasonal allergies, the coming of spring can often be a nerve wracking time. After months of typical allergens being out of the air, they come back in full force when the weather heats up. Luckily, it’s simple to keep your home allergen free throughout allergy season. Using an HVAC system in your home can help with allergies, and ServiceWhale is the company you should pick to help you find the best HVAC installation services. We have developed a powerful, simple request wizard that can put you in contact with the HVAC services you need to make your home an allergy free zone.


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