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The Importance of Filter Changes

With summer just around the corner, now is the best time to make sure your HVAC system is in proper working order. You don’t want to get stuck in a pickle trying to find an HVAC technician last minute when your air conditioner breaks down as the outside temperature hits triple digits! Of course, ServiceWhale HVAC specialists are available to you very quickly, but to avoid future issues with your air conditioner, regular HVAC filter changes are vital.

Why Change My HVAC Filter?

 First and foremost, HVAC filters produce cleaner air—the less dust you’re breathing in, the healthier you are. HVAC filters remove dust mites, pollen and other small particles; this is especially helpful for people with seasonal allergies. Regular HVAC filter changes are a particular must if you have children or elderly folks living in your home.

Regularly changing the filter in your HVAC system also prevents dust from building up, which can extensively damage your HVAC system. In the long run, your system will benefit from regular HVAC filter changes because neglect is one of the main causes of HVAC system failure.

Additionally, operating an HVAC system with a clean air filter costs a lot less than operating one with a dirty air filter—there’s less work for the machine to do when the air it’s circulating is clean. If you want to keep your electricity bill down, regularly replacing your filter is a necessity. This is also a great way to reduce your impact on the environment; less energy use means a smaller carbon footprint. Changing your HVAC filter is so simple, yet it can make such a difference. Plus, leading by example will encourage others in your life to do the same. The more people there are regularly changing air filters, the better off the environment will be.


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How Often Should I Change My Filter?

 How often your change your filter will depend on your system’s manufacturer, and your HVAC contractor will be able to offer an expert opinion on how often you should change your filter. Most will need to be changed once every 1-3 months, though the more often you can stand to change your filter, the better!


Contact ServiceWhale for HVAC Needs

 Beyond HVAC filter changes, a ServiceWhale specialist can help with any issues that may arise with your air conditioner. Our unique instant quote platform is simple and intuitive to use. Simply answer a few questions related to your HVAC issues, and you’ll be presented with custom quotes from the top contractors in your area in no time. There’s no need to put up with discomfort caused by a broken or faulty air conditioning system. Contact ServiceWhale today to get your home ready for the summer!


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