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Determining Roof Pitch and Hiring a Roofing Contractor

When you’re looking for a contractor to work on your home, questions like “what is your roof pitch” will be asked and it’s best to know the answer.

When hiring a roofing contractor, ServiceWhale is a quick and easy option. Their approval rating, prices and personal testaments are top marks from past customers. Getting custom quotes is easy and free, so there is no reason to wait.

Determining Roof Pitch

The pitch of your roof is another term for the angle of your roof. It is calculated by the inches of vertical rise for every 12 inches horizontally. If a roof has 5 inches of rise for every 12 horizontal inches of run, it has a 5-in-12 pitch.

When you’re searching for a contractor for your roof with ServiceWhale, this is one of the questions that will be asked. Determining what the pitch of your roof is can be done safely inside your attic and won’t make you go to the roof of your house.

If you are still having trouble determining the pitch of your roof, there are tutorials on YouTube that can be used, along with calculators and apps found on smart phones. Don’t let the trouble of determining the pitch of your house stop you from having any work done. ServiceWhale can help you with all things in regards to changes to your house.

as you know...
ServiceWhale is the only place online where homeowners can get custom quotes on home improvement projects instantly without the need for onsite estimates from contractors.

Hiring a Contractor

Hiring a contractor with ServiceWhale is a very simple process and, with the green service provided by ServiceWhale, it can all be done online. When working with many other contracting services, there is a charge for them even to come out to your house and survey the premises to give you a quote.

Since all things are done online with ServiceWhale, there is no need to waste time or gas. The quote is free and simple to obtain. ServiceWhale benefits the contractor just as it benefits you, the customer. A lot of services that hire contractors require them to pay exponentially for leads or even bids that they’ll have to pay for, and homeowners want more than one quote before settling in on a contractor to take care of the work on their home. 

That system has become outdated and has made contractors lose money and sometimes not make it back. With ServiceWhale, contractors are able to preload their prices for the work that they can complete and obtain thousands of quotes for free.

This is why the contractor prices with ServiceWhale are going to be cheaper than the quotes you’re going to find elsewhere; there is no need for them to jack up the prices in hopes to earn their money back.

In working with ServiceWhale, there is a general ease that comes along. There are no worries about being stiffed or feeling obligated to go with a contractor that shows up at your home because there is yet to be money involved. ServiceWhale has reshaped the industry when it comes to finding a contractor for your home and has made things quick and easy, which is the way they should be.


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