Tag Archive For "roofing contractors"
How Often Should You Clean Your Gutters?
Have you recently looked up and noticed that the rain seems to be running down the side of your house instead of into the downspout like it should? You might need to clean your gutters, and you probably want to look into roofing contractors.
Five Qualities for Your Roofing Contractor to Have
A roofing project can be one of the most expensive, labor intensive tasks of your life as a homeowner. While some homeowners try to go the do-it-yourself route, completing your roofing project is much easier and stress free when you work with a contractor. However, this leaves one important question: How do you know a …
Tips For Maintaining a Flat Roof
Although most homeowners are not aware of it, not every type of roof works for every building. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of common types of roofs can save you wasted time and money from installation and frequent repairs. Before you decide on the right type of roof for your home, it’s important to examine …
Mobile Home Roof Repair
More than any other type of structure, the roofs of mobile homes need regular maintenance to keep them in tact throughout the harshest weather months of the year. With winter fast approaching, it’s important that you address any problems your mobile home roof might be experiencing so that you can prevent large, expensive repairs down …
How to Build a Green Roof System
In recent years, one of the hottest trends for homeowners across the country is constructing green roofs. A green roof provides many benefits both to you as a homeowner and to the surrounding environment. Properly built, a green roof protects your home from outside forces, and functions as a great insulator for your house. Green …
When Asphalt Roll Roofing Should Be Used
On the list of things that don’t warrant every day thought or attention, your roof probably ranks pretty high on the list. However, this can be a costly mistake, as roofing leakage or other failures can cost a pretty penny to correct. You don’t want to wait until you have water dripping on your dining room table …
Determining the Cost of Your Emergency Roofing Repair
One of the most stressful situations that you can find yourself in as a homeowner is needing extensive roof repairs. When your roof suffers serious damage, it can hugely expensive and threaten the interior of your home if not handled in a timely manner. Because repairing, and possibly replacing your roof can be such an expensive …
How a Reflective Roof Protects the Home
If you are looking for green options that can help your home become more energy efficient the roof is the place to start. With the right roofing material, your home can go from a utilities drain to an almost self-sustaining entity, but without a trained professional advising you on the advantages and disadvantages of different …
The Benefits of Vinyl Roofing
Your home should be a safe haven that operates efficiently and comfortably. There are many different options available for you to achieve this comfortable environment, and one of them is vinyl roofing. A vinyl roof, also known as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), provides durability, energy efficiency and peace of mind. They are low-cost and low maintenance, …
Determining Roof Pitch and Hiring a Roofing Contractor
When you’re looking for a contractor to work on your home, questions like “what is your roof pitch” will be asked and it’s best to know the answer. When hiring a roofing contractor, ServiceWhale is a quick and easy option. Their approval rating, prices and personal testaments are top marks from past customers. Getting custom …