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Prevent Water Damage During the Rainy Season

Water damage is the absolute worst. It can ruin wood, cause mold and mildew and even affect the foundation of your home. Certain parts of the year can bring about large amounts of rain in Philadelphia, which can make any homeowner worry about flooding or water damage. Here at ServiceWhale, we suggest that you follow these steps in order to help protect your home from water damage during the rainy season.

Have Roof Leaks Fixed

Even if you do not detect a leak in your roof, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. By hiring a roofing contractor, you could catch leaks early-on and prevent water damage that is more severe. When leaks are not properly tended to, they can only worsen in the rainy season.

Not only will your roof and ceiling have damage, but it could damage the structure of your home as well. If the leak gets bad enough, it could ruin the interior of your home, racking up the repair bills.

A professional contractor from ServiceWhale would be able to detect leaks early-on and make the necessary repairs. They can replace missing, loose or damaged shingles. In doing so, they will be able to fix any cracks that you may have in your ceiling.

Have Plumbing Inspected

More specifically, have your home’s sump pump tested. This pump is responsible for removing water that has collected in the sump basin, which is usually located in the basement of the home. If this pump is not working properly, your basement could flood during a heavy rain. By testing this pump for malfunctions, you could save your home from a water damage disaster.

While your plumbing contractor from ServiceWhale is there, have them check for other signs of plumbing failure or water damage. Heavy rain doesn’t necessarily have an affect on the way your sinks drain, but if there is a plumbing issue in one part of the house, it could indicate a larger, underlying issue. With all of your plumbing working properly, you can avoid flooding and prevent water damage during the rainy season.

Have Your Home’s Drainage Checked

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To avoid damaged siding or foundation, make sure that your gutters are cleaned on a regular basis. Because this can be a messy, time consuming and even dangerous job, it would be best to hire a professional to do it for you.

Contractors will also be able to inspect other aspects of your home’s exterior drainage. For instance, your downspouts need to direct water at least five feet away from your house, so that the water does not seep into the soil that is directly underneath your house.

Your yard should also slope at least six inches in a 10-foot span that leads away from your foundation. This will encourage rainwater to run down the top of the soil, as opposed to going directly into it, which could ruin your home’s foundation.

By taking these preventative measures, you could be saving your home from needing costly repairs. To locate an expert contractor in the Philadelphia area, please visit our website and fill out our easy-to-use form to get free quotes instantly.


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