Bathroom Remodeling on a Budget
Everyone deserves to remodel their bathroom in exactly the way they want it. But unfortunately, remodeling projects can be expensive, meaning a lot of people think that they just can’t afford to remodel their bathroom, even when it needs it. Luckily, not every bathroom needs a full remodel. Sometimes a few minor improvements are all your Pennsylvania home’s bathroom needs to look completely new. With a few great ideas, and some elbow grease, bathroom remodeling on a budget is both affordable and an excellent wat to give your bathroom new life.
A Fresh Coat of Paint
One of the simplest—and cheapest—solutions to make your bathroom look like new when remodeling on a budget is to paint. Paint is relatively expensive and a new color can make your bathroom look like a completely different room. While this may not seem like much, you’ll be surprised at how different your bathroom looks, as well as how affordable it was to do.
Refinishing and New Fixtures
During a bathroom remodel, the number one item on a lot of people’s list is a new bath or shower. These items, however, can get really pricey, really fast. When you want a new bathtub or shower, but don’t have the money in your remodel budget, it is possible to refinish or reline your old tub, making it almost like new; and while newer tubs might require a professional to reline them, you can reline older tubs—particularly those made out porcelain—yourself.
Also, instead of putting in a new shower and tub (which, as we discussed, can be extremely expensive), you should consider simply replacing the fixtures. New fixtures can be much less expensive than you might think and give your bathroom an exciting, fresh look. When bathroom remodeling on a budget, new fixtures can be a great cost saving solution.
Looking for Used Items
When people think of buying used items for their home, they don’t often think of buying these items for their bathroom. Contrary to what you might imagine, you can actually buy a wide range of used bathroom items, from tubs and showers on to the fixtures that we talked about before. All you have to do is monitor websites that specialize in used goods, like eBay, and you can find a fantastic used item that will feel like new. Used items are a great solution when bathroom remodeling on a budget.
New Lights and Vanity
Another relatively cheap and easy fix when bathroom remodeling on a budget is to install a new vanity as well as new lights. Simple, inexpensive additions like this can make your bathroom look like it has gone through a complete transformation with almost zero effort on your part. New lights are especially a good choice because light fixtures come in so many different styles, almost all at reasonable prices that will fit into your bathroom remodeling budget.
Find the Right Services
Bathroom remodeling on a budget can seem impossible at times, but with a little creativity and some smart shopping, a bathroom remodel that is affordable is completely within your reach. When you’ve chosen to remodel your Pennsylvania home’s bathroom, and are working with a budget, ServiceWhale can help you find the right services. Our request wizard can help you find the right businesses in your area to remodel your bathroom while not going over your budget.
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