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Bathroom Remodeling: What You Should Know about Plumbing

Springtime is upon us once again, and you know what that means: home renovation and remodeling projects! Among the most popular springtime remodeling jobs is the bathroom. Everyone’s eager to dive in and create that dream bathroom where they can relax and take time away from the world at large. There are, however, a lot of pitfalls to avoid in your new renovation. The last thing you want is a flood of toilet water in the downstairs living room! Learn the bathroom plumbing pitfalls to avoid, and how a professional ServiceWhale contractor can get you the room of your dreams.

Bathroom Plumbing Pitfalls

There are all kinds of accidents and mistakes to avoid when designing a bathroom remodel. Bathroom plumbing pitfalls can lead to expensive and costly disasters in the middle of the project, which can not only extend the length and scope of the work, but can really break the bank. That’s one reason why you shouldn’t try to do such a big job on your own.

Plumbing might look simple—just a few pipes and valves, right? The truth is, it’s very complex and needs an expert touch like the contractors you find through ServiceWhale to handle right.

Don’t Move the Stack

Everyone looks at their bathroom and thinks, “The toilet would look better over here, and the bathtub over there.” That’s wrong thinking when it comes to remodeling. The biggest mistake you can make when working on the bathroom is to move the plumbing. Leave the toilet and tub where they are and build around what you’ve got.


Aging Pipes

It takes an expert plumber to spot problems related to aging pipes. Old cast-iron drain systems, for example, may be in a serious state of disrepair but might not show it to the untrained eye. If not properly handled, they could burst on you and flood water inside your walls, which can be a disaster in many ways.

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Dealing with Fixtures

Drain and supply lines have to get special attention when replacing or upgrading fixtures like your bathtub, sink or vanity. It can be difficult to remove, replace and repair old tubs—especially cast-iron ones. It takes proper expertise and care to keep supply lines and drain units in good working order, or to repair and replace them as needed.


Inspecting the Invisible

Every bathroom has crawl-spaces or cubbyholes behind the walls that have to be inspected thoroughly before completing the project. Again, issues in the plumbing can be many and multiform, and require an expert eye to spot. Having a professional contractor like those you find through ServiceWhale’s fun, easy and convenient method can save you a lot of money in the long run, and keep your renovation as exciting and enjoyable as it should be.

At ServiceWhale, we have one mission: to make the process of home remodeling exciting, easy and fun. Check out the outstanding specials offered by our network of experienced contractors, and get in touch with us to get started on your new project today!


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