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Can We Fix Hot and Cool Rooms in our House?

You may have noticed that certain rooms in your home are cooler or warmer than you like, depending on the time of year. It is the job of the thermostat to control the temperature in your home. If you notice that there are rooms that do not seem to be getting the same amount of heating or cooling as the rest, it can indicate some problems with your HVAC system. Here are some common reasons why you may not be getting the right amount of temperature control in your home.

Clogged Ductwork

The circulation system of your home is the ductwork that is under the floor and in the walls. If something happens that clogs the ductwork up, this could cause spots in your home to not get as much air from your HVAC system as it should. Having an HVAC contractor come out and clean your ductwork on a regular basis can keep it free from debris that can clog it up. In addition, cleanings help keep the air in your home clean.

Under (or Over) Powered HVAC system

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If you have recently had a new HVAC system installed in your home (or if this has always been a problem), your uneven temperatures might be due to your HVAC system not being properly matched to your home.

An undersized system may just not have enough power to get the rooms at the far end of the ducting to the correct temperature. This system is overworked and not only has additional wear and tear, it also wastes a lot of energy as it works. An oversized system can heat or cool your home too fast. This means the room that has the thermostat in it gets to the desired temperature very quickly. When that happens, the rooms at the extremes of your ductwork do not receive the proper amount of air needed to bring them to temperature.

Having an HVAC professional help you size your system can prevent this issue before it ever happens. If you have recently bought a new system you may be able to change it for a small fee. If you have an older system, now might be the time to think of replacing it.

Poor Insulation

Insulation may be the most important thing in your home in regards to keeping an even temperature. If you have spots where your insulation is worn or nonexistent, there is no way for your home to hold in the heat (or AC) once the HVAC system puts it out. Doors and windows that are not properly sealed can also allow temperature-controlled air to escape from your home, causing inconsistencies.

If you are looking for some help solving your uneven temperature problem, click here to get connected with a reputable HVAC contractor in your area. With just a few clicks, you can have free, honest quotes without entering any contact information. 


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