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Choosing the Perfect Shower Floor

So you’re ready to start your new bathroom renovations!

Designing your dream bathroom is an exciting and fun process, but it’s also stressful and full of a mind-boggling number of choices to make. What’s the layout going to be? What color scheme do you want? What kind of fixtures? One big choice to make that many people don’t consider is how to pick the right floor for the inside of your shower. Here’s a look at the different things you need to consider when choosing the perfect shower floor and how a home improvement professional can help.


Choosing the Perfect Shower Floor

There are a ton of things to consider when choosing the perfect shower floor. What kind of surface do you want? Smooth or gritty? How important is slip-resistance in the tiling you choose? Do you want tile at all, or should you go with natural stone or even cement? Your ServiceWhale contractor is your best resource, but it never hurts to have a few options in mind right from the get go.

as you know...
On average, it takes homeowners up to 30 hours just to get 3 different quotes on a home improvement project. On ServiceWhale, it takes about 2 minutes.

Slip Resistance

Slip resistance may be the most important aspect of your shower floor. You want to make sure that when the water and soap runs off of you and the walls that you remain on solid footing. There are a variety of tiles out there that will provide the kind of texture that allows you to avoid slip and falls in the shower, from grit to pebbles and even concrete texturing.



Appearance shouldn’t be ignored when choosing your floor tile. You want a look that is going to nicely match the overall design aesthetic of your new bathroom. If your shower floor tile doesn’t match the tiling in the rest of the room, the entire feel of the area can be disrupted. Since your bathroom needs to be a warm and welcoming space, make sure your design is complementary all around.



Few people stop to consider the ideal size of shower tiles. The smaller the tile, the better off you are for the interior of your shower. At most, your tiles should be around 6 inches square; even that’s a bit large. The smaller your tile, the more grout lines you have, which provide essential traction. Since your shower floor is going to slope towards the drain by its very nature, smaller tiles are better for coverage. Mosaic tile, at a size of 1 or 2 inches square, can be an ideal choice for many.


The ServiceWhale Method

It’s always a good idea to seek the advice of a professional home remodeling contractor when making any choice for your new design. ServiceWhale prides ourselves on our fast, fun and easy method for helping you find the top-rated home renovation contractors in your area. If you’re ready to start a bathroom remodel, check out how it works and get in touch with us to start on your project today!


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