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DIY vs. Professional Bathroom Remodeling

Philadelphia is full of historic and new homes alike. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, you may realize you really do not like the look of your bathroom anymore. The flooring is from the ‘80s and there are water stains seeping through the walls. So, you give yourself the ultimatum: remodel the bathroom or barricade it off.

Once you decide to remodel it, you have a lot of thinking to do. The first thing to consider is whether you are going to do it yourself or hire a contractor you do so for you. There are advantages to each approach, which should be taken into consideration. If you are unsure, here are the benefits and drawbacks of both a DIY and a professional bathroom remodeling.

Cost vs. Time

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It’s no secret: A professional bathroom remodeling costs more than DIY, even with the competitive rates on ServiceWhale. But, unless you are a skilled plumber, electrician, tile worker and carpenter, it is well worth it. A contractor can make sure the job is done right and even fix problems you never knew existed.

A contractor will also save you a lot of time. Doing a DIY bathroom remodeling can take weeks or months — if you ever get around to finishing it. A contractor, on the other hand, can do the same job in just a fraction of the time. For instance, you may take a whole weekend to install a new shower/bathtub combo. A ServiceWhale contractor and their crew can get it done in a matter of hours.

Surface vs. Deep Issues

As mentioned above, a complete bathroom remodeling takes a lot of different skills. Of course, if you are just replacing the vanity or toilet, you may be able to do so on your own. But if you want the job done right through and through, you want a professional bathroom remodeling. The benefits start before the job does.

A ServiceWhale contractor can determine the roots of your problems and let you know exactly what work you need done. For instance, if your hot water isn’t working, a professional can figure out and repair the issue. In addition, they can fix underlying issues with factors like flooring to make sure your remodeling lasts for many years.

Risks of Not Having a Professional Bathroom Remodeling

By doing a remodeling yourself, you may find yourself standing in a few feet of water with no clue how to stop the flow. Or, on a less drastic level, you could realize the drywall was hung or mudded incorrectly, ruining an otherwise great bathroom. That’s a mistake you have to live with until your next remodeling, which could be many years down the road.

With a ServiceWhale contractor, the professional bathroom remodeling is insured. On the off-chance a mistake was made, the insurance covers any and all additional repairs that must be made. In the long run, this can save you hundreds of dollars and even more headaches.

Are you gearing up for your next bathroom remodeling? If so, ServiceWhale can help. With our simple online form, you can compare rates from the top contractors in the Philadelphia area and get the work you need done at a great price!


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