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Energy Efficient Bathroom Features

Redoing your home’s bathrooms can be a great investment by not only adding much needed aesthetic appeal to your home, but also adding energy efficient features that will save you money in the long run. There are many modern features available for bathrooms such as lighting and faucet options that are energy saving and stylish. Check out a few of these ideas on how to make your bathroom more energy and cost efficient.

Energy Efficient Lighting

The type of lighting in your home can make all the difference in an affordable and ridiculous energy bill. Taking the step to more efficient living is excellent, and a great place to start is in your bathroom. Of course, choosing the right bulb or light source is the first step. Fluorescent lights, solar tubes and LED lamps are great for both saving energy and producing quality light within you bathroom. Solar tubes are a unique modern feature that are like flexible skylights. They are installed through the roo,f and can fit between the rafters and ceiling joists and produce direct and ambient lighting. These solar tubes can also focus the light of a full moon which creates a serene and magical nightlight whenever there is a full moon.

Another great addition to your bathroom are sensor lights. These smart lights are great energy savers because they prevent uneccessary light usage. The automatic on and off function for these lights is also very convenient for homeowners who may sometimes forget to turn off lights after use. Consider installing sensor lights under a floating vanity to make for a perfect light nighttime bathroom use that is not to bright or disturbing to the eyes. Check out how ServiceWhale can help you find the perfect lighting for your bathroom.

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Energy Efficient Water Features

Another way to save money and energy in your bathroom is with energy efficient faucet installs. High-efficiency water fixtures can save you tons on plumbing. It also saves you costs on energy—since it takes energy to heat, treat and deliver water. Therefore, the less water you use, the less energy you use as well.

There are many ultra-low flow faucets are available that save water without compromising performance. High-efficiency toilets are available in different styles that also provide sufficient energy savings. There are ultra-low flush toilets that use less water when you flush; dual-flush toilets that have two buttons to separate flushing options for solid and liquid waste—and there are also composting toilets that use little to no water when flushing.

Luxury showerheads can use up to 20 gallons of water per minute. With these, even a quick shower still uses way too much water. You can cut this water usage and high costs with an energy effiient showerhead that still delivers sufficient performance and looks stylish and modern within your bathroom. With ServiceWhale, you can save tons on energy and installation costs with quality and affordable products and services.

Start saving with energy efficient bathroom features today. Find out how ServiceWhale can transform your home with the help of local top-rated professionals.


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