Floor Insulation: What it is and why you need it
Installing floor insulation is a labor-intensive process involving the placement of insulation material beneath your home’s floorboards. Many homeowners, out simplicity’s sake, like to insulate their floors when putting a new floor in place. However, many types of floors can be retrofitted with insulation material, which can also add huge savings to your gas bill every month. If you’re considering installing a new floor in your home, here are a few reasons you should consider adding floor insulation onto your project.
Save on Your Energy Bills
Did you know that nearly 15 percent of the heat in your home is lost through the floors? If this fact startles you, then you should seriously consider adding flooring insulation in your home.
People who live in old drafty homes like to add floor insulation because it helps prevent cold drafts from coming up through the floorboards and lowers your winter heating bills. Whether you decide to install a new floor in your home, or if you’re replacing your old floor, it is always a good idea to install some type of floor insulation. Hardwood floors are gaining popularity, and if you’re thinking about getting one, you should install a reliable, fiberglass insulation under your floor. You can purchase insulation in rolls and batts—with or without paper facing.
You should also consider insulating the gaps between the skirting boards and the floor, which also helps reduce cold drafts throughout your home.
Insulation Can Be Used with Different Floor Types
The great thing about insulation that you might not be aware of is that it can be used in a number of areas in your home and with multiple types of flooring. Wherever your home experiences air leaks and resulting heat loss, you can use insulation. For example, although you can’t install insulation directly under tile floors, you can install installation around the skirting, which will close gaps and lower your energy bills. If you start to notice drafts when walking around your home, then one of your best solutions to plugging the gaps and increasing your efficiency is installing flooring insulation.
Why Hire an Expert?
When it comes to insulating the flooring in your home, the task of finding the right contractor is challenging, to say the least. Do-it-yourselfers will always try something new, but these people often delve into tasks that they don’t often finish. When you think about it, no one wants to live in a messy home with torn-up floors and rolls of insulation lying around. The sooner you get the job done, the better.
If you’re considering installing insulation underneath your floors, you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches by hiring an expert. In all, it takes homeowners an average of 30 hours to gather enough prices to compare when shopping for most projects. Flooring experts, on the other hand, will understand the intricacies of your flooring project, and will be able to install insulation much more quickly and effectively than you would yourself.
Install Floor Insulation in Your Home
If you’re any energy conscious homeowner, then one of the best tools at your disposal for increasing your home’s energy efficiency and saving on energy costs is installation. When you install floor insulation, you’ll energy bills will go down and your home will be more comfortable than ever before.
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