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Home Air Conditioning Cost Comparison

So you’ve decided that you are tired of sweltering in the summer heat, of putting box fans in the window only to have them circulate hot air to no avail. Unfortunately, now you’re hip deep in looking at the costs of air conditioning systems, and you do not even know how to start. The best place is to know what your options are and build from there. Here is a breakdown of home air conditioning cost comparison, of the different options available and how you can choose the best for your home.

Air Conditioning Cost Comparison

It would take volumes to provide a detailed cost breakdown of the literally thousands of options for air conditioners available. The best thing to do when starting your air conditioning cost comparison is to start by looking at the different options available and understand what you will need to cool down your house. When you’ve got that settled, or even if you need help figuring it out, your ServiceWhale HVAC contractor can help you narrow down your options.


Window vs. Central Air

There are two basic kinds of air conditioner: the window or room AC unit, and the central or whole-house unit. While window systems are less expensive to buy, and might only cost a couple of hundred dollars total to put in, they really only cool the room they are in and can be just as expensive to run, based on the utility costs and energy usage.

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On average, it takes homeowners up to 30 hours just to get 3 different quotes on a home improvement project. On ServiceWhale, it takes about 2 minutes.

Size of the System

The next thing to consider when comparing the cost of different AC units is the size you need for your home. Usually, air conditioners are measured in tons, which is not the same as the 2,000-lb. weight measure, but in terms of how much heat they can pump out of your house. Each ton of power removes 12,000 BTUs of heat. You do not want a unit that’s too large for your house as it will not provide adequate balanced power and will cost you more in the long run to maintain.


System Efficiency

This brings us to the efficiency of the system. It may seem counterintuitive, but like Goldilocks, you want a system that’s not too big and not too small, but just right for your house. Going large will not provide better service and will be more expensive to run and maintain. If you choose the right unit, with the right EnergyStar efficiency rating, you can save a lot of money on your monthly bills and on repair and maintenance costs.


Other Factors

Other factors that go into the cost of your AC unit include the amount of ductwork in your home, the SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio), noise factors, your exact location and environmental factors, utility rates and other elements. If you are ready to install, replace or repair your AC unit, turn to ServiceWhale. Check out our fast, easy and fun process for finding the best, top-rated local contractors and drop us a line for more information today!


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