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How Long Does a 6 Gallon Water Heater Takes to Heat Up?

how long does a 6 gallon water heater take to heat up

How Long Does a 6 Gallon Water Heater Takes to Heat Up?

It is common to wonder how long does a 6 gallon water heater take to heat up. The answer depends on the type of water heater you have, where you live, how much hot water you use and what you are using it for. The more you use your water heater the more it will take to heat up your water. For instance, if you are using an under floor water heater which is one of the cheapest water heaters on the market then it will usually only take a few seconds to warm up your water. However if you are using a high efficiency water heater which can cost up to $1000 then it will take up to 10 minutes to bring up your water temperature.


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