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How Many BTUs In A 50 Gallon Water Heater?

how many btus in a 50 gallon water heater

How Many BTUs In A 50 Gallon Water Heater?

You are now probably wondering, how many btus in a 50 gallon water heater? You will find that most manufactures have given you a recommended number based on the BTU rating of their water heaters. The higher the BTU rating the larger the amount of water that can be heated for a given set period of time. Most manufactures of water heaters, however, do not indicate the BTU rating of their units and it is up to you to check the information on the package or from the retailer. The best way to find out the information that you need is to know how many BTU’s are in a certain unit and then figure out what this translates to in gallons of water.


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