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How Often Do I Need to Paint My House?

Southeastern Pennsylvania gets some nasty weather. Between keeping the heater on all winter and running the AC in the hot and humid summers, you may be wondering just how often you should paint your house to keep it looking nice. After all, staring at the same fading walls year after year could get you down.

The question is, how far do you want to go? Here are some different ideas that you can explore, each involving various levels of investment of time and money.

The Retooling Job

Maybe you are tired of the way that your foyer accent piece looks, or you want to get a different look in the living room. This might mean you just need to spend some time retooling your look. Maybe new throw pillows for the couch or the addition of an accent wall or some boarder paint would do. You could consider switching out the sheets and throw pillows in your bedroom and changing the color of the window sills to match the new look. All of these projects can be completed over the course of a weekend. Because of the relative ease of it, you can feel free to do this level of painting maybe once or twice a year if you are really motivated.

The Rearrange

So you got that new foot stool and coffee table, but you just put it where it fit in the family room. You loved that painting you saw, but instead of taking the time to think about where it should go it ended up in the most convenient place you could find. If that is the case, maybe it is time for a rearrangement.

Step back and take a look at the flow of your rooms. Do your couch and chairs really make sense where they are? Could moving them around open up the room more or give it a totally different look? Take some time and experiment and see what you can come up with.

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Remember that in the course of moving things, depending on how long they have remained in one place, you may need to do some touch up jobs on walls, chair rails or floor boards. Take a look at what might need refreshing and paint accordingly.

Spring is a great time to do a rearrange in Philadelphia because you can sweep out the winter dirt.

The Redo

You’ve looked at these walls for years. The color just doesn’t do the same thing for you it did when you originally picked it out, which means it’s time to change.

A full redo of a room or multiple rooms is a pretty major undertaking. You might only want to tackle this once every 5 to 10 years, as there is a significant time and money investment involved.

Looking to save some time by hiring professional painters? Click here to get free custom quotes for your painting make over. You’ll receive upfront pricing without having to invite a contractor to your home!


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