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How to Estimate Home Repair or Maintenance Costs

Budgeting for home services can be difficult if you don’t have the proper tools at your disposal. Different contractors and maintenance workers charge varying costs for multiple services, and it can get confusing. At ServiceWhale, we strive to provide homeowners with the connections they need in order to make an accurate estimate on their home repair and maintenance. We offer free custom quotes for roofing, flooring, painting projects and more.

as you know...
Want to speak with a contractor in person or over the phone after seeing their price? No problem! Send them your contact info and take the conversation offline.

Ask for Help

If you know something is broken, but you don’t know the extent of it, don’t be afraid to consult a ServiceWhale contractor. They will have the knowledge and tools needed to define the severity of the damage, which can help them determine the repairs or maintenance it will require. ServiceWhale only associates with the best of the best, so you know that you would be getting honest and helpful advice, if you find a contractor through our site. Also, our contractors will help you save time by giving you advice and free quotes online, without having to come to your home.

Notes, Notes, Notes

When not using ServiceWhale, it may be smart to keep track of what your contractor tells you and to take notes. But when you hire a ServiceWhale contractor, all notes are documented for you! With our online service, all communication with your contractor about the job and costs are 100 percent saved and protected by us. These details and notes are all available in an easy-to-use, accessible platform, allowing you to compare different prices and services directly.

Do Your Research

Your ServiceWhale contractor should be happy to explain everything to you, so that you can understand why your home needs to be repaired. Learn as much as you can about the kind of damage you have and the methods that are used to repair it. When your ServiceWhale contractor informs you about what needs to be done and why, you’ll be better equipped to negotiate and discuss the project with them. ServiceWhale gives you the tools to research, save time, save nerves and get the best deal.

Grab the Calculator

After you have communicated with your ServiceWhale contractor, taken notes and researched the damage, you can easily piece together the total cost of your home repair or maintenance. This number will be a good estimate for the cost of your home repairs, give or take a few dollars and cents. ServiceWhale offers upfront pricing so you aren’t left with surprise fees and costs. You also receive an automatic discount from Philadelphia’s contractors when you order through ServiceWhale!

Hiring a good contractor to perform these repairs on your home is the best way to get the most value out of your money. By providing free, custom quotes, ServiceWhale contractors will be able to help you estimate the cost of your home repair or maintenance services. So, when looking to budget for your next home repair or maintenance service, try using ServiceWhale to learn more about how we can help.



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