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How to Identify Roof Problems

The roof of your building is the first line of defense between you and the elements. Because of that, a roof can often easily become compromised and become a major source of problems for a building.

Your roof may seem simple, but it is actually a complex system that needs all of its parts to function properly. If you suspect that there are issues with your roof, you may want to try to identify what the issue might be so you can hire the right contractor to fix it.


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This is one of the major issues that can crop up with a roof. Because your roof is subjected to all sorts of weather, the materials that it is made of will degrade over time. This means that every roof, no matter how well constructed, will need replaced at some point. Weathering is one of the major causes.

Look for roofing materials that are faded in color or are showing cracks or splinters. Organic roofing materials like cedar or other woods will tend to degrade faster than inorganic materials like shingles.

Wind Damage

Wind can generate a lot of force as it blows. This means that a roof is not properly installed can fall pretty to wind damage. Look for ripping at the edges of the roof, often between the roofing materials and the membrane underneath. Roofing material that is not properly fastened will fall prey to the forces that wind generates and need fixed.

Improper Use of Caulking or Roofing Cement

To cut corners, many roofers will use roofing cement or caulking where they should be using flashing. This can create leaks due to the improper sealing around roof penetrations like vents or chimneys. Look for places where there is excessive application of caulking or roofing cement and see if there is a way to use flashing there instead to properly seal the roof.


The fasteners that keep your roofing materials in place can also be a source of trouble. If improper fasteners are used, they will not properly seal roofing joints or will allow water to penetrate into the roofing materials. Fasteners like smooth shank nails can also work their way free over time. Replace any smooth shank nails with ring shank nails to ensure they do not work loose over time.

Improper or No Maintenance

While more common on flat or low sloped roofing, improper or not maintenance on a roof can allow small problems to develop into serious ones. Making sure that there are no places for pools of water to accumulate and having proper drainage on the roof can prevent leaks and other roofing issues.

Are you looking for a roofing contractor that can help to solve your roofing issues? Click here to get free individualized quotes from reputable, Philadelphia area contractors. You will receive preliminary pricing without having to invite a contractor to your home!


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