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How to Install Laminate Flooring on Concrete

As many new homes are starting to attest, laminate flooring is a great alternative to more traditional flooring options. From its resiliency to relatively small environmental impact, laminate flooring is starting to be found in more houses than ever before, and you might even be considering installing some in your home as well. If so, the contractors at ServiceWhale would love to be the ones to help. First, you should get a general idea of what the laminate installation process will look like, and you can start by following this simple guide.

Effect of Laminate Flooring on Concrete

The versatility of laminate flooring allows for a more or less simple installation regardless of the surface. It is just important to keep in mind specifically how the laminate will interact with other materials, such as wood or slab. Laminate flooring on concrete in particular can be a little tricky, but there are some common principles that can guide you through the process. Generally speaking, ServiceWhale recommends that you be mindful of three things when attempting to put down laminate over concrete: moisture, cleanliness, and levelness.

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#1 Moisture vs. Laminate

Since concrete is typically such a hard surface, many people believe that it is impenetrable without power tools. In reality, concrete is not as dense as you might have thought. Moisture vapor can easily pass through concrete slabs, which can have a very negative effect on your laminate flooring over time. Well before the installation process, you will need to check on the humidity level of the concrete and take waterproofing measures to ensure that your laminate does not erode or warp due to porous or unreinforced concrete.

#2 Keep Your Laminate Clean

Laminate flooring installation is a straightforward enough process that makes use of professional grade adhesive and other glues to maintain structure and integrity. If you expect your laminate adhesive to stick to your concrete floor, however, the surface must be clean. This goes beyond simple vacuuming and sweeping. You will want to go at your concrete flooring with high quality cleaning solutions to aid in your laminate installation.

#3 Make Sure You Have a Level Surface

Any bumps or dips in your concrete flooring need to be corrected before you start to put down laminate, as these uneven spots can lead to noisy floors or can even pull the laminate apart over time. As a result, ServiceWhale ideally would suggest starting with self-leveling concrete to avoid this problem. Otherwise, you may need to go at your concrete floor with a grinder or buffer to get the levelness you need.


Hire a ServiceWhale Contractor Today!

Once you have made the necessary preparations to your concrete flooring, it is time to put down the laminate, and for this step, you should look to get in touch with a trained professional at ServiceWhale. Our contractors have years of experience in all different kinds of flooring options, and if you are serious about installing laminate flooring on concrete in your home, we can definitely help with that. So to answer any additional questions or to personally learn more about other services we provide, contact one of our representatives and get started today.


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