How to Measure a Roof for Shingles
If you are considering having shingles installed on the roof of your home, there is something you need to consider other than the type of materials you use. The size of your roof is the largest determining factor in both the length and cost of your roofing job and unfortunately, many homeowners are unsure of the exact square footage of their roof. However, measuring your roof is not actually as difficult and can be done in a relatively short amount of time. Read on to learn how to measure a roof for shingles, and find out how to get in touch with an excellent roofing professional through ServiceWhale.
Draw a Diagram of Your Roof
The first step in measuring your roof is to get a basic idea of the area you will be measuring. Take out a piece of paper and draw a diagram of what your roof looks like, making it as close as possible to the dimensions of the real thing. Not only will this give you a good idea of what you will be measuring, but it will also give you a convenient place to write down your measurements as you go. Once you have a general outline of your roof, it is time to climb on up and start measuring.
Go Up to Your Roof and Physically Measure It
After you have gotten onto your roof, it is time to break out your diagram and measuring tape so you can get to work. Very carefully, measure the length and width of all the sections of your roof, paying particular attention to writing down the measurement on the corresponding sections of your diagram. If your roof has triangular sections, such as eaves, it is important that you measure these as well since they will also need to be shingled. As soon as you’ve completed measuring the entirety of your roof, it is time to descend your ladder and put your measurements to good use.
Use Your Measurements to Calculate Square Footage
The last step in measuring your roof for shingles is possibly the simplest because all it entails is using your measurements to calculate your roof’s square footage. For each individual section of roof that you measured, you will need to multiply the length by the width, which will give you the square footage of that section. Next, add up the square footage for each section together to get the total square footage of your roof. Finally, divide your total square footage by one hundred, and this will give you the amount of shingle squares that you will need to cover your roof.
Hire a Roofing Professional to Measure a Roof for Shingles
As you can see, measuring a roof for shingles is not as daunting a task as many people would have you believe. However, because walking on a roof and measuring can be difficult, it can be a dangerous job for people who are inexperienced. To make things easier, and safer, your best bet is to hire a roofing professional to measure a roof for shingles, and the best roofing professionals you could hope to find are only featured on ServiceWhale. By signing up with ServiceWhale and using our astonishingly easy request wizard, you will instantly connect with your city’s top roofing contractors at unbelievable prices. Sign up with ServiceWhale today and find out for yourself how easy shingling your roof can be.
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