How You Know It’s Time to Repaint Your House
A home’s exterior paint does a lot more than most people give it credit for. Similar to a person’s skin, it protects the vital structural components underneath. It also stretches and breathes to accommodate changes in weather conditions so that your home is protected all year round.
At least, that is what paint is supposed to do. When it is neglected for years on end, it often leaves open vulnerable spots for rot, water damage, leaks or structural problems. In this light, keeping your home covered in an even coat of paint becomes less about the home looking pretty and more about keeping it safe and structurally sound.
If you are unsure if it is time to repaint your home, here are some great reasons to consider having it done:
You See Cracking, Peeling or Bubbling
Cracking and peeling can occur from mistakes made when applying paint, but it can also happen over time no matter how quality of a job was performed. Like nearly all home materials, exterior paint has a limited lifespan that eventually runs out.
Some paints deteriorate more quickly than others depending on the quality, the skill of application and the general conditions it is subjected to. For instance, a side of the home facing the brunt of the hot noon sun every day will have more problems with cracking than a side hiding completely in the shade all day. Likewise, paint near the gutter spout that frequently gets splashed may show some bubbling over time.
Feel free to ignore a small amount of paint cracking or falling off at your own risk, but when you start to see it occur all around the house, you know it is time for a new coat.
It Has Been Ten or More Years Since the Last Time You Painted
Even if you do not notice obvious signs of paint deterioration, expect to see them soon once your exterior paint job crosses the decade mark. The average exterior paint coat lasts anywhere between 5 to 12 years. In mild climates like the Philadelphia area or the American Southwest, the paint can last as long as 15, maybe even 17 years.
After that, you are bound to have problems whether they make themselves easy to spot or not, such as a chalky residue that is gradually wearing away the coat thickness. Have a contractor or exterior painting expert evaluate your home’s coat once it starts to get long in the tooth to be sure that there are no hidden problems with it.
You Have Wood Rot or Separating Finish Materials
Paint problems can cause exterior finish damage, and vice versa. Any time you notice significant issues near your soffit, trim pieces, window sills, chimney or anywhere else around the home, you could have flaked-off paint that is letting water in. You may also have poorly-assembled trim that has now let water and other debris get underneath the paint coat, which will quickly cause bubbling or cracking.
Take good care of your home’s trim to prevent structural damage and water intrusion, and that includes keeping a healthy coat of paint on trim and exterior sides at all times. If you notice that large trim pieces or siding areas are needing to be replaced, you may as well use the project as an opportunity to repaint at the same time.
You Want a Fresh Coat of Paint on Your House
Looking at the obvious, if you are not happy with your home’s paint color or you want to protect it with a hardier brand of paint, there is no time like the present to have it all redone. A new coat of exterior paint can change your home’s whole look, and it can also add new levels of protection against wind, rain, heat, sunlight or pests.
Consider having your home repainted especially if you are selling or you think it will help avoid problems during Philadelphia’s rainy or snowy seasons. ServiceWhale can make it easy to locate a qualified home painter in your area who can get the job done well and at a price that fits within your budget. Click here to fill out our quick job information form, and you will receive real quotes from local painting contractors in your area with no onsite estimate needed.
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