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Important Tips to Consider When Painting a House Exterior

Repainting your home is no easy task, but it will protect the surface for years to come and reinvigorate its curb appeal in ways that cannot be overstated. The key is to avoid common mistakes that can halt your progress or render your efforts almost completely in vain.

Professionals will have years of experience to draw from, but amateurs must learn as they go. Luckily, there are resources to steer people in the right direction and learn from the pros. To ensure that you go about the task properly, keep in mind these important elements:

Prep Work Is Half the Job

Painting over an unprepared surface is accomplishing very little with maximum effort. Your paint coat will quickly deteriorate to reveal the paint underneath in just a few months unless you go through the trouble to prepare the surface first. Replace any rotten wood or damaged siding. Hammer in all nails until they are flush. Cover up nail holes with exterior putty to prevent distinct round holes.

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Once your surface materials are ready, sand or scrape off any peeling and cracked paint. You should also sand areas where paint has become chalky with age. Remove any dirt or grime with a hose and degreaser as needed. When you have a smooth, even, dry surface, prime it to ensure that your coat will hold tight. Only then can you paint confidently knowing your coat will stand the test of time.

Time Your Project Well

Avoid seasons when rain, snow or cold weather below 50° can prevent your paint from drying. Even humid weather can affect paint drying, so stop painting four or more hours before sunset on days when the dewpoint is particularly high.

A good rule of thumb in any weather is to “follow the sun” as it circles the house. That way, the surface will be nice and dry after being baked by the sun, but your paint coat will not dry too quickly. As an added bonus, fewer and less severe sunburns!

Invest in a High Quality Product

Remember that with exterior paint, the goal is to protect the home as much as it is to merely add a splash of new color. Invest in paint that will be long-lasting and hold up in the weather for your climate. Philadelphia weather often means prolonged exposure to freezing and melt cycles during the winter, so make sure the paint you choose is equipped to handle such weather patterns.

Mix Your Paint Together Before You Start

As hard as manufacturers try to get paint tones just so, there is almost inevitably some variation. To get around this problem, simply dump four or five gallons of the same color together at a time into a larger bucket and stir the mixture vigorously. This tactic will help you get a more consistent color, and it will also make loading your brush or roller easier since you will not need to keep pouring into a roller pan.

Consider Hiring a Pro to Help

Many painting contractors can be flexible to your needs. For instance, some may be satisfied performing the prep work and allowing you to do the actual painting yourself. Others can get the entire project completed while working within your budget. At the very least, research your local home exterior painter market to see if DIY is more trouble than it is worth.

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