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Making Your Bathroom Eco-Friendlier

The negative effects that we have on the environment are becoming more and more obvious as the years go by, and it is therefore important that you look for eco-friendly solutions to your everyday needs whenever you can. A major part of any home is the bathroom, and this is exactly where you should start if you’re considering new eco-friendly alternatives to your daily life. If you’re considering making your home more environmentally friendly, here are a few tips for constructing an eco-friendly bathroom to help you go green.

Eco-Friendly Toilets

A sizable chunk of your water bill each month comes from just the toilet, making this the place to start if you are trying to make your bathroom more eco-friendly. If you have an older home, then it’s likely that all of your toilets require much more water to flush effectively than newer models. A great way to save on your water consumption and to lower your monthly water bills is to switch out those old high volume toilets with a low-flow option. Contrary to what you may have heard, low-flow toilets are extremely efficient, giving you the performance you need at a fraction of the cost.


Low Flow Shower Heads

Much like with toilets, older fixtures in your home use much more water than you actually need, leading to a tremendous amount of waste and higher water bills. To correct this problem, low flow shower heads are a great option for anyone trying to color their bathroom a little greener. Where regular shower heads are notorious for guzzling through gallons of water every minute, low-flow shower heads give you just the amount of water you need, eliminating waste. Newer low flow brands can even conserve water without sacrificing any of the comfort that long hot showers can offer.


Organic Shower Curtains

As recycling techniques become more advanced, more and more household products are being made out of recycled materials, including shower curtains. The vast majority of homes around the world use some form of plastic shower curtain that could release harmful agents into the bathroom over time. Safer alternatives that provide more of an eco-friendly option include organic shower curtains made from specific fibers, including linens, cotton, and even hemp.


Fluorescent Lighting

Switching out your light bulbs, no matter the room, is a surefire way to improve your home’s energy efficiency, and the same goes for the lighting in your bathroom. Usually composed of traditional incandescent bulbs, bathroom lighting should instead incorporate fluorescent lighting, which is much more effective at conserving energy. For instance, fluorescent bulbs can sometimes last up to 30 times longer than their incandescent counterparts.


Go Green with an Eco-Friendly Bathroom

One of the most exciting, money saving trends to hit the home market in recent years has been the trend towards environmentally friendly options for your home’s major systems, including your bathroom. If you’re thinking about updating your home with green solutions, constructing an eco-friendly bathroom is one of the best choices you can make. With the right materials and equipment, you can reduce your bathroom’s water consumption and save big money on your monthly bills—a total win-win.



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