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Optimizing Home HVAC Performance

Keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer takes a substantial amount of energy. Of course, this energy costs money in the form of electric and gas bills. In order to keep these reoccurring costs low, it is important to make sure that your HVAC system is running at its most efficient.

Optimizing your HVAC’s system performance can actually reduce your heating can cooling bills as much as 30 percent! Here are some tips for homeowners that are looking to get the most out of their HVAC system.

Home Insulation

One of the biggest culprits for using excessive energy in your HVAC system is insufficient home insulation. An unfortunate result of laws of thermodynamics is that temperatures seek to become equal. That means that in the winter the cold outside wants in; same for the summer heat.

Insulation is something that slows the process down. Insulation prevents the exchange of air and slows the radiation of heat and cold into and out of your house. A well-insulated house can save 10-20 percent on their energy bills. Compare your energy bills to your friends and neighbors. If they seem high, then start looking at the insulation in your home as one of the reasons why.

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Install a Digital Thermostat

A digital thermostat provides you with a power function: the program setting. This setting allows you to control the temperatures in your home even when you are not there or when you are sleeping. A programmable digital thermometer will allow you to adjust the temperature in your home based on your schedule.

It can lower the temperature automatically at night during the winter, or keep the home warmer in the summer while you are at work. This can help you save quite a bit on your energy bills by only heating and cooling your home when you are there.

Replace Aging Equipment

If your furnace is 10 years or older, you may want to look into replacing your system. HVAC efficiency has increased quite a bit over the past 10 years. Running an older system can be leading to huge inefficiencies and higher bills.

Older systems just don’t have the technology incorporated into them to allow them to compete with newer systems, running 10-20 percent more inefficiently. This means that by replacing your system, you could make the money back in a few short years.

Have your HVAC System Serviced Regularly

The best way to keep your HVAC system running at peak optimization is to have an HVAC contractor come in and service it yearly. Dirt and grime can build up on critical systems, causing them to operate much less efficiently than they should. HVAC contractors can also detect when something is about to go wrong with your system and replace it before it happens, thus saving you money.

Are you in the market for HVAC system replacement or repair? Use our service form to get a free quote from local contractors in your area. No contact information required — in just minutes, receive a custom quote for you without the hassle of having a contractor come to your home.


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