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Shopping For Home Improvement Will Never Be The Same

Home Improvement is Primed for a Major Disruption

It’s 2015 (nearly 2016, eek!) and every day we are reminded more and more that “the future” is here. Everything from walking to the way we communicate with each other has been affected by technology. Companies like Uber and AirBnB have made it so you can travel to nearly any place on earth and have a ride and a place to stay ready and waiting for you in literally minutes. There are hundreds of innovative companies like these that are revolutionizing the way we think and act. Perhaps the most prevalent constant in this cultural shift is that we expect things to be on-demand nowadays.

As we continue to progress further into the future there are even more industries that are primed for a major disruption. Home improvement shopping being the ripest for this modern day evolution.

as you know...
Every price on ServiceWhale is negotiable. That means you can always find the best deal on your project!

Think about the way you shop for any consumer product that exists today. You do a quick search or visit an online retailer and/or marketplace (usually via a mobile device – by the way, how are you reading this…), find upfront prices, read reviews, and then make a purchasing decision. It’s so easy to buy anything from a pair shoes to electronics to furniture without ever having to visit a brick and mortar retailer.

But what about buying a new roof? Do you really want to have to go through the process of inviting 3 or 4 contractors into your home just so they can give you a price (that you most likely won’t like)? It’s so intrusive. If Best Buy sent a salesman to your home to give you a price on a new LED TV would you be OK with it? Doubtful. But for some reason we accept this as totally normal behavior when it comes to shopping for major home improvement projects like roofing, HVAC, flooring and other big-ticket items.


“You’ll never shop for home improvement the same way again”

There are several online “marketplaces” focused on home improvement. Companies like Angie’s List and HomeAdvisor attempt to make it convenient for homeowners to get connected to contractors. While it may be true that those services can make an introduction between a homeowner and a contractor, are they really doing anything you can’t already do on your own through Google or a personal referral?

Most homeowners want a price when they begin the process of shopping for a major home improvement project. And not just any price, but a price that is specific and customized to their project, not their neighbors. Until now, none of these aforementioned online services have cracked that nut.

Meet ServiceWhale

ServiceWhale is hands down the most sophisticated and innovative online home improvement service that has ever existed. Inherent in its’ careful design, ServiceWhale has developed a one-of-a-kind, patent-pending automatic quoting technology that delivers instant, customized prices on major home improvement projects like HVAC installations/replacements, roof replacements, flooring installations, and much more completely free of charge.


What does this mean for homeowners? Simple, you’re now able to get dozens of quotes on major projects in less than 60 seconds. Not only are the prices generated on the spot, but they are insanely accurate. No more waiting around for contractors to show up at your house, no more sales pitches, no more shuffling your schedule around just to invite a stranger into your home – just upfront prices like you wanted in the first place.

ServiceWhale has successfully created an experience when shopping for a home improvement project that is nearly identical to shopping for any other consumer product online.


How is this even possible?

ServiceWhale’s quoting process is thoughtfully designed and tested by a team of amazingly talented developers with the assistance of home improvement industry experts. This way, homeowners can rest assured they are being asked the right questions about their project and are giving the appropriate information in order to generate the most accurate quote.



ServiceWhale is so confident in the process, that every price (once it is confirmed by the contractor) is backed by their guarantee…if a contractor attempts to raise the price at the time of performing the job, without changing the scope of the work, ServiceWhale will cover the difference.

The quoting process is so intuitive and easy to use that basically anyone of any age can easily navigate his or her way through it. This tool was not designed specifically for the savviest of savvy when it comes to home improvement. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. A series of extremely simple questions (complete with helpful hints) about the project needed is all a user needs to provide in order to precisely quote their job.

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Finally, the dark ages of shopping for home improvement projects are over. It’s about time, if you ask us.


Are you shopping for a home improvement project or considering making some upgrades to your home in the near future? Use ServiceWhale today to get prices and you’ll receive a $100 credit to use towards your next project!


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