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The Best Paints for Dirt and Mildew Resistance

The object of painting a house is to keep it looking its best. Unfortunately, over time, Mother Nature will have her way with the colors you have chosen for your home. Her primary tools in her war against your home: dirt and mildew. Both of these things can get onto paint and make it look dull and unappealing.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do, including selecting the right paint. Here are some tips for keeping the dirt and mildew off of your home.

Prep the Outside

Before picking paint that will be resistant to dirt and mildew, you want to do all you can to discourage it from collecting in the first place.

Mildew needs a damp and dark place to grow. This means that anything that is going to provide moisture and keep the sunlight off of your painted surfaces will encourage mildew. A good preventative measure is to cut back any shrubbery that might be up against the home creating a good environment for the mold. Dirt, on the other hand, needs no special environment. If there is a surface, dirt can collect. Be sure to clean the whole exterior of the home; using a pressure washer may be beneficial. Taking these steps yourself can help you save money when you hire a contractor.

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Gloss Over Flat Paints

Next, you are going to want to choose gloss paint over a flat paint. Gloss paints not only provide a nice reflective surface that will keep the sun on them, they are also much less porous than flat paints. A flat paint has many pores for mildew to hide in and dirt to get stuck. A gloss paint will provide a much less favorable surface for dirt collection and mildew growth. It also gives your Philadelphia home a brighter look overall.

Acrylic Paints

Another good idea is to look for paints that are 100% acrylic. They offer a lot of protection when it comes to dirt and mildew for many of the reasons we mentioned above. The combination of gloss and acrylic is a fantastic way to prevent dirt and mildew growth. There are quite a few commercially available paints that come in 100% acrylic and are highly rated for resistance. These include:

  • Behr Marquee
  • Olympic Premium
  • Ace Clark – Kensington
  • Kelly-Moore’s AcryShield

Taking the Fight Indoors

While all of these ideas will work as well on the inside of your home, another good way to resist dirt and mildew is to keep air flowing in your home. The addition of ceiling fans is a great way to keep the air moving, add a nice aesthetic to the room and prevent dust and mildew from growing where they are not wanted.

Are you looking to have your home painted on the inside or the outside? Then start by clicking here to get free custom quotes from reputable painting contractors. You’ll receive upfront pricing without a contractor setting foot in your home!

With ServiceWhale you can also: Find contractors and communicate with them about the paint you’ll use. They will give you best insight so you can make the better choice.


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