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The Most Efficient Ways to Heat Your NYC Home

You can only add so many layers of clothes and pile on so many blankets before it’s time to just bump up the heater. Despite your chattering teeth, you hate forcing your inefficient heater to work harder because you know your next energy bill is going to be a doozy. If it’s time for a new heater in your NYC home, consult with your New York HVAC contractors about these efficient home heating systems.

The Advantages of Heat Pumps

By converting outdoor air to treated, heated air for your home, the heat pump can be considered to be one of the most efficient heating systems. Through a distribution system, this heated air travels throughout your house and is dispersed into each room. Removing combustible materials from the air treatment process, you can rest assured knowing your heat pump is a safe and efficient way to heat your home.

Additionally, these systems are odorless and quiet, unlike your traditional heater. Because a water tank is used in the heating process, it eliminates that notorious, dry feeling from the air, so your skin won’t chap in the winter. When the summertime rolls around, these heaters can be reversed to function as an air conditioner, doubling the value of your investment.

Heating with Natural Gas

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Natural gas furnaces are popular among homeowners, and for good reason, as they can be extremely efficient and effective systems for when it comes to heating your home. As air recycles in your house, the furnace filters and retreats this air, so warm air is consistently being sent back to rooms with vents. This air travels to these vents by a system of ductwork, which can be extremely efficient when properly maintained by your ServiceWhale HVAC contractor.

Electric Heating: Pros and Cons

New and improved electric furnaces can be beneficial for the New York home in warding off the chill in the air. Unlike gas, broiler-based or wood systems, an electric heater directly converts heated air without energy being wasted in the flue. Next time you have your heater replaced, consider having one of these newer electric furnaces installed.

You can further improve the efficiency of the electric heater by including a programmable thermostat and zone-control solution in your home. A programmable thermostat will prevent the heater from unnecessarily heating the space while you are away. Zone-control will allow for you to better balance the temperature in your home, heating colder rooms and scaling back the degrees in areas that tend to be naturally warmer.

Finding New York HVAC Contractors

Instead of resorting to cheap space heaters or fireplaces that require a lot of maintenance, use ServiceWhale to find local, New York HVAC contractors. With a few clicks of your computer mouse, you can easily locate professionals in your area who would be able to answer to your heating woes. They will install the right heating system for your home, so you can peel off those jackets and pack away a few of those blankets while enjoying reduced energy costs.

Do you want to find HVAC contractors in your area? Stop by ServiceWhale today and see how simple it is to get instant quotes from available HVAC professionals in your neighborhood.


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