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Tips for Cleaning Tile Floor Grout

Whether it is in your kitchen, in your bathroom or any other room of your house, the grout in your tile floor occasionally needs some attention. Even if you are fairly vigilant about cleaning your tiles, grout still has a way of picking up stains or developing mildew, leading to an unsightly mess that is not as presentable as you would prefer. Luckily for you, there are a great number of ways to effectively clean your grout and to make your tiles shine like new. Read on to learn some tips for cleaning tile floor grout, and find out why you might need a flooring professional for the toughest cleaning jobs.

Clean with Regular Household Products

There’s a simple reason why home remedies for cleaning tile floor grout have been around for so many years; they flat out work. With a few common household products, you can clean your grout quickly and easily. All you need is some baking soda, white vinegar and a spray bottle. First, you need to make a paste by mixing one part tap water with three parts baking soda and then applying the paste to your grout. Next, mix one part white vinegar and one part water in your spray bottle and then spray the solution on the paste. This will start an immediate chemical reaction which you will notice as bubbling. Wait for the bubbling to subside, and then use a brush to scrub the mixture from the grout. Finally, mop the floor with regular water to remove any excess paste.

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Attack Tougher Stains with Chemicals

Some stains can get deep into grout, making them more difficult to get out and requiring a tougher solution. For these instances, you will need to step up your cleaning game with a more potent solution. Mix two tablespoons of oxygenated bleach into two cups of water, making sure that the bleach is completely dissolved. Pour the solution so that it completely covers your grout lines then use your brush to scrub the solution in. Lastly, as in the previous strategy, mop up your floor with regular water to clear the solution. Voila! You now have perfectly clean grout lines and a pristine tile floor.


Steam Clean Your Grout

As much as we might not like to admit it, sometimes we need a little extra firepower to clean the most difficult grout. When you can just not seem to get your grout clean, you need to take serious action by renting a steam cleaner. By following the cleaner’s user instructions, you will be able to lift dirt and grime away with the greatest of ease. The only thing you need to be sure of is to wipe up any excess moisture to prevent damage to your tiles.


Cleaning Tile Floor Grout with Professional Help

Although it is generally resistant over short periods of time, the grout of your tile floor will eventually start to build up mildew and dirt deposits, reducing the looks of your tile. While cleaning it yourself is sometimes an option, the stubbornest grout stains might need a professional touch. If cleaning tile floor grout has become too much for you, you need to find an excellent flooring professional by signing up with ServiceWhale. Unlike comparable services, ServiceWhale is dedicated to only two things: connecting you with high-quality floor cleaners and saving you as much money as possible. Sign up with us today and experience the ServiceWhale difference for yourself.


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