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Tips for Solving Slow Draining

It started slowly with the toothpaste building up and swimming around the sink with the extra water you used to wet your toothbrush. You started to notice it when the water in the shower started to gross you out when it started seeming more like a bath than a shower. Your clogged drain didn’t capture your attention until it was too late and now it’s just annoying. There are ways to fix this on your own if you’re the type to DIY but, if you’re not and you like getting things done the easy way, hiring a contractor through ServiceWhale can get your problems solved quickly and easily.

Here are a few tips for you DIY types:


Bent Wire Hanger

This one is a temporary fix but one that definitely helps the situation. Take an old wire hanger, one that is expendable overall, and unbend it to make it look like a stick. The goal here is to start fishing with your wire hanger and remove things from the drain. Although it may be gross, it’s important to remember that the goal here is taking things out of the drain and not pushing things further down the drain. This is a simple and inexpensive method, but one that pays off!



Alright, there is something that works impressively well for a liquid that can just be dumped down the drain. That something is called Drano. Drano is a plumber in a container that applies its special solution through your pipes and cleans out the gunk and build-up to make your drains operate like they’re supposed to again.


Boiling water

Now, as far as DIY work goes, it doesn’t get any easier than this. Boil water, whether in the kettle, pot on the stove or in the microwave, and apply that to the drain that you’re having problems with. If there is an odor, throwing some lemon juice or baking soda in with the water could do wonders for your drain. When you’re pouring the water down the drain it is best to wait a few seconds in between pours just to give the water time to make it down the drain.

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Clean the Pipe

If you’re looking for a DIY project that makes you feel accomplished and feel like you can do anything when it comes to cleaning in your house, cleaning your pipe just might be that job. Forewarning: it is probably going to be gross. Grab a bucket and place it under the curve or the U-shaped part of the pipe. Using a plumber’s wrench, loosen the nuts and just dump the curved part of the pipe into the bucket, releasing all of the nastiness from inside the pipe. A pipe cleaner and a toothbrush can help you get things out of all ends of the pipe.


Contact ServiceWhale

All in all, there is no easier to fix the problem you’re having in your house than contacting ServiceWhale. They offer free quotes without dirtying the environment during transportation, since it can all be done over the internet. It’s best to approach the problem before it gets any worse, so act now and contact ServiceWhale!


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