Ways to Conserve Energy
The temperature is a huge factor in how comfortable you feel in your home. In New York, heating and cooling (HVAC) systems can account for a huge proportion of your home energy usage. That’s why it is so important to make sure your home HVAC systems can work as efficiently as possible and allow you to save energy. Here are some ideas for conserving energy in your New York area home:
Seal Your Air Ducts
The air ducts that carry warm or cool air from air conditioners, furnaces and other HVAC systems often lose a lot of energy at their connection points and seams. These weak points can be sealed with duct sealant or foil tapes, and it’s best to start with the points that are in unheated and uncooled areas like garages, basements, attics and crawlspaces.
Seal Other Air Leaks
Doors, windows, cracks and other small openings can let in drafts and vastly reduce the efficiency of your home heating and cooling systems. Find a ServiceWhale contractor to get these openings caulked and have weather stripping added where it’s needed. This professional will assist you in your efforts to conserve energy at home, helping you save on your monthly energy expenses.
Maintain Your Filters
Clogged air filters force your HVAC system to work harder to produce the same or even reduced amounts of heat or cooling. Some air filters can be washed and reused, and others should be changed every one to three months. This is actually very simple to do. During the winter and summer, when you are using your HVAC system more heavily, check your filter at least once a month. If you can see that it looks dirty or clogged with dust, change it! You should also keep an eye on outside air intakes and outdoor units: keep the area around them free of plants and fallen leaves.
Get Regular Tune-Ups
At least once a year, have a qualified professional give your HVAC unit a tune-up and check-up. This should involve a thorough cleaning of the unit’s fans, drain and evaporator coil to remove dirt and dust that has built up in the system.
Watch Your Temperature Settings
Figure out the temperature that’s most comfortable for you, and don’t set your system any higher or lower. It can be tempting to raise or drop the temperature, especially in the hottest part of the summer and the coldest parts of winter, but this doesn’t actually make the HVAC system work any faster. It just puts a strain on the system and wastes energy. Also, if you are away from home for regular periods of time, it’s worth getting a programmable thermostat that will tell your system to back off when you’re out of the house and then kick on when you’re on the way home.
Use Your Windows to Conserve Energy at Home
Older windows can leak a lot of heat, so if you notice that you are losing energy around your windows, it’s a good idea to have a ServiceWhale contractor install energy-efficient windows that will provide better insulation. Your windows can also be a great tool to control the temperature of your home. You can use curtains and blinds to control how much sun you let in and when; also, trees that shade the windows during the summer but lose their leaves and let in the sun during the winter are another possibility. This awareness and use of sun and shade is especially important on east and west facing windows, as well as south facing windows in the winter.
For more information and quick, free quotes from ServiceWhale contractors and technicians in the New York area, call or make an appointment today!
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