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Ways to Transform Your NYC Apartment Bathroom

Everyone at some point wants to freshen up their living space, give their home a facelift and engage in some basic renovations. This can be tricky when your home is a NYC apartment. You may have limited means and permissions involving what you can do to your space. There are, however, many options for small NYC apartment bathroom renovations, and ServiceWhale can help you regardless of your means.

Dream Apartment Bathroom Renovations

If you get home from work and sigh, wishing that you could change up your plain, small bathroom space, you have options. Even if your ability to make changes is limited, there are still approaches you can take to make a small NYC apartment bathroom look gorgeous and fresh. It can be a room in which you want to spend time relaxing.

Talk to Your Landlord

Before you make any permanent changes to your NYC apartment, make sure to talk to your landlord. Some of them won’t want you to engage in renovations. Others will view it as an opportunity to improve the space for the next tenants at no cost to them. In any case, it can save you legal troubles down the line, and your ServiceWhale contractor may want documentation that the property owner has approved the changes.

Saving Fixtures

The biggest thing to remember when renovating an apartment bathroom is that you should save your pre-existing fixtures so you can put the bathroom back the way it was when you move out. Talk with your ServiceWhale contractor about being careful to preserve those things you remove.

Reducing Space

When it comes to saving space, if you have deep cabinets that take up a lot of space, consider swapping them out with narrower options which still give you storage but can give you a foot or more of extra space.

 Incorporating wall-length mirrored cabinets or mirrored walls can add an apparent increase in size. By reflecting the bathroom back at you, the mirrors will make the room look larger than it is and let you breathe easier.

Hanging Sink and Toilet

Try wall-hanging your sink and toilet. This will save a great deal of space (several feet, in fact) and can add more storage underneath the hanging fixtures. When it comes to renovating your NYC apartment bathroom, maximizing space is all-important.

Frameless Tub

Consider replacing your bathtub with a stand-up shower, and think about a frameless door and curbless design. Both of these can save tons of space in your small room.

Brighten It Up

If your bathroom is full of dingy tiles or dark colors, consider re-tiling or redesigning in a brighter color scheme. White or other bright colors will make the room feel happier and more welcoming as well as looking larger.

If you are ready to do some creative apartment bathroom renovations in your NYC space, take a look at the options available through ServiceWhale, and get in touch with us for a consultation today!




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