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Whale‬ Watching in Philadelphia

Our Service Whale has set out to explore ‪Philly. He’s visited several well known locations over the last few weeks.  Check out the pictures below from his adventures.

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Philadelphia Museum Stairs
Our Service Whale was sightseeing at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The 72 steps leading to this ‪‎Philly landmark’s front entrance became well known by millions as a result of its appearance in the movie Rocky!

St. Francis Xavier Church

St Frances Xavier Catholic Church
Sightseeing at St. Francis Xavier Church at 24th and Green Streets in Philly!

Swann Fountain

Swann Memorial Fountain
Here is our Service Whale at Swann Fountain, also known as the Fountain of the Three Rivers, located in the center of Logan Circle in Philly.

City Hall Building

city hall building
While at the historic City Hall Building, located at 1 Penn Square, our Service Whale was busy taking pictures for his scrapbook.

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